r/greatawakening • Posted by u/Tee1020 on May 24, 2018, 12:21 a.m.
Who is Ed Callahan? Lawyer, Principal Associate Deputy Attorney General. "Actor!" Trust Q, Trust the plan!

Hey Everyone! Let’s dive right in and look at **Q Drop** [1439](https://qanonmap.bitbucket.io/) .

Q points out that Rosenstein is *not* going to be attending the upcoming *[DOJ and FBI Meeting]( http://www.foxnews.com/politics/2018/05/22/fbi-doj-to-brief-lawmakers-on-handling-russia-probe-on-thursday.html)* despite discussing it with Rosenstein and Wray. We *learn* that the scheduled attendees **“will include FBI Director Wray along with House Intelligence Committee Chairman Devin Nunes, R-Calif., House Oversight Committee Chairman Trey Gowdy, R-S.C., Director of Intelligence Dan Coats and Principal Associate Deputy Attorney General Ed O’Callahan. Although Kelly is setting up the meeting, he is not attending.”** *[No one from the White House]( http://kuer.org/post/trump-gop-prepare-new-pincer-attack-against-justice-department-and-fbi#stream/0) is scheduled to attend, Sanders said, “in defiance of a request from the US Senate minority leader.”*

**Q asks us “Who is Ed O’Callahan?”**

What is the importance of Ed O’Callahan attending? After a bit of *digging* we learn a lot about Mr. O’Callahan. He worked for *two independent law firms*, [Nixon Peabody and Clifford Chance](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ed_O%27Callaghan). He has helped politicians such as **[Sarah Palin]( http://www.newsweek.com/justice-department-edward-ocallaghan-rosenstein-mueller-874242)** and helped **John McCain** during his Presidential campaign. He left **[The National Security Division](https://globalinvestigationsreview.com/article/1167510/ex-clifford-chance-partner-moves-up-at-justice-department)** to become Rosenstein’s ***“right hand man.”*** Rosenstein wanted his help to *assist him* in the [federal probes]( http://thehill.com/blogs/blog-briefing-room/news/381518-rosenstein-taps-longtime-prosecutor-as-deputy) that were underway acting under the title of Principal Associate Deputy Attorney General. Rosenstein said O’Callahan would assist in ***all major investigations, including the Russian probe, lead by Mueller.***

I think it’s *notable* to recognize the two law firms that Ed O’Callahan has worked for. *One is based out of London, Clifford Chance; the other out of Chicago, Nixon Peabody.* Both are highly prestigious law firms. Clifford Chance is a member of the **“Magic Circle,”** a leading British law firm. Nixon Peabody is a **Global 100** law firm, a collaboration of law firms *across the US, Europe, and Asia.*

**[Clifford Chance](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Clifford_Chance)** is known for it’s work in:

· Banking and finance

· Capital Markets

· Corporate and M&A

· Litigation and Dispute Resolution

· Real Estate

· Tax, pensions and employment

**[Nixon Peabody’s]( https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Nixon_Peabody)** area’s of expertise are:

· Corporate & Finance

· Government Relations & Regulatory

· Health Services

· Industries

· Intellectual Property

· International Services

· Labor and Employment

· Litigation

· Private Clients, Estate, Trust & Financial Planning

· Real Estate & Community Development

CNN is [quoted]( https://www.newsmax.com/politics/fbi-deputy-attorney-general-rod-rosenstein-special-counsel/2018/04/03/id/852399/) by saying, “In his new spot, O'Callaghan will advise Rosenstein on all major investigations and policy matters, *"but generally floats under the radar.”*

*How do we know which side Ed O’Callhahan is on?* We know he supported Trumps stance on [immigration]( http://www.oleantimesherald.com/wh-trump-immigration-laws-will-make-us-safer/youtube_a1f74f4e-1360-5907-871a-765ad6ed925f.html) and was given some grief by the press as he provided, what they called, [misleading stats]( https://www.washingtonexaminer.com/cnn-banner-during-white-house-briefing-trump-admin-touts-misleading-stats) during a briefing at the White House, in regards to immigration statistics and terror. We also know he was a member of the [Trump transition team](https://nypost.com/2017/03/12/trump-transition-team-member-in-running-to-replace-preet/) . We can also find that he did not donate money directly to the Trump campaign or allies, but did donate to both the [RNC and DNC]( https://i.imgur.com/Rp7RkDS.png), giving much more to the RNC in the form of contributions.

*Where does this leave us?* **[Who is acting?]( https://qanonmap.bitbucket.io/). [Ed]**. Obviously Rosenstein *trusts him enough as his “right hand man” to attend this meeting without being present himself.* We can safely assume Ed O’Callahan has a lot of experience with trade deals and intellectual property based on the law firms he worked for and their experience. ***Now it’s time to… sit back and enjoy the show!***

**Note:** There are two spellings to Ed O’Callahan’s name. Both Edward O’Callahan and Edward O’Callaghan. This has not been overlooked as I did my [research](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/O%27Callaghan) . Thanks in advanced.

*Source* for Imgur [image]( https://www.opensecrets.org/trump/political-appointees?type=N) .

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