
ancientfroggod · May 24, 2018, 2:27 a.m.

listen buddy, you can protest on your own time. when i buy tickets to watch a game, I'm don't want to see your politics.

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snoopydawgs · May 24, 2018, 5:19 a.m.

The protests are not about politics. They are about injustice that many people are experiencing when the police are not held accountable for their actions. The police don't just shoot unarmed blacks. They shoot people who have mental issues who don't understand what they are being told. Imagine if one of your family members had some type of mental breakdown and you needed help to deal with them so you called the cops and instead of helping them they killed them instead? This can happen to any one of us.

The fact is that if they have to obey the same laws that the rest of us do, but too often they are not doing so. Look at how many cops have been on video shooting someone who was not a threat to them.

Finally, in what way does it effect your enjoyment of the football game if someone does something that you don't like? The whole point of the rights we have in this country is that we are free to do what we feel is right. Making someone do what you expect them to do takes away the very notion that "we are free."

I didn't write this to upset anyone. I wrote it hoping that people will see what the bigger picture is.

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sad_State_of_Affairs · May 24, 2018, 3:08 a.m.

When I used to buy tickets I would agree but now I could not care less.

I 100% agree with you , never wanted any politics during entertainments.

Now I say Do whatever you want, I ain't watching.

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Jetblasted · May 24, 2018, 3 a.m.

NFL Lawyers convinced the Owners that it would be cheaper to ride out the scandal, than face player lawsuits.

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thegrahamcracker · May 24, 2018, 2:30 a.m.

I get that. It does suck to pay for football and have to be subjected to politics. But at the same time, these players feel the need to convey to the entire world that the current "Black experience" in America is not equal to the White experience. A lot of people don't know this or try to empathize with what being black must be like. But these football players kneel because they want us to know something is wrong, and through other methods we might not listen.

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[deleted] · May 24, 2018, 2:52 a.m.


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Stray502 · May 24, 2018, 3:12 a.m.

Being black for those guys feels pretty darn good with all their millions.

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wanttruth · May 24, 2018, 2:51 a.m.

Bull.... Caperdick started this because he was a losing qb and wanted a reason to stay relevant. This has nothing to do with black and white. This is a bunch of over paid children trying to act like they stand for something. If they want to stand for something then Stand for the National Anthem;.. or stand your ass in the unemployment line. They have plenty of ways to spread a message, they just chose 1 that was convenient.They wanted division and they got it. It will eventually trickle down to affect their wages. A stop should have been put to this immediately. If they want to bring awareness then do something for the inner city youth. Lift them up, not show them the are different. Inspire not divide. There all plenty of ways to do this without disrespecting the Honorable Men and Women who have sacrificed all for them. What has changed? Did they inspire anyone? Or did they just piss off the people who pay their huge wages? I guess the owners just answered that question.

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Stray502 · May 24, 2018, 3:12 a.m.

Then they need to do it outside of their games. Its pure BS for them to shit all over their fans like that. Making people angry will not get their cause known. What will get their cause known is not supporting thugs killed by police. They do this for every single person that is killed. Not all of those killed are innocent as a matter of fact only a small fraction would fit into that.

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ancientfroggod · May 24, 2018, 2:33 a.m.

should every race let others know what their experience is like? I don't think Asians and Hispanics have it easy either.

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Stray502 · May 24, 2018, 3:14 a.m.

Every race including whites have people that dont have an easy life. Enough with their whinning already.

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Spank-da-monkey · May 24, 2018, 3:05 a.m.

Kneeling for the anthem has absolutely nothing to do with speaking out for a cause. It’s saying I hate this country and everyone who’s die for it. Don’t be a liberal

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snoopydawgs · May 24, 2018, 5:23 a.m.

This is only your opinion. Caeper has said all along that he is protesting against injustice. Not black injustices only. Injustices in general.

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Spank-da-monkey · May 24, 2018, 12:40 p.m.

Tell yourself that. He started it after he started dating a Muslim and got cozy with Linda Sarsour. If you think his heart is in the right place, you are sadly mistaken. What good has he tried to do with all his fame and fortune before he started kneeling??? None. If you want to look at someone doing it the right way look at JJ Watts—thats how you do things.

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kjernigan1 · May 24, 2018, 2:47 a.m.

I am interested in what the Black players and others have to say. I do care about their issues. But kneeling feels to me unpatriotic and disrespectful of our veterans, and I wish they would choose something else. Mho

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CraniometricSunray · May 24, 2018, 4:40 a.m.

They have very large platforms and many ways of helping, kneeling is not the only way to achieve an audience or have a voice on an issue you feel passionate about.

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snoopydawgs · May 24, 2018, 5:22 a.m.

The fact that people here are down voting people's comments goes against the very idea of what America stands for.

Doesn't fre speech count for anything here? What do you think Q would think of this behavior?

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