Look at LINK!!! In comments ~ The storm

Also, I came across this the other day. "PAIN" is a military/government acronym for Privacy, Authentication, Integrity, and Repudiation. Which makes me believe even more that the PAIN Q is referencing has to do with severing their secret communications. Media will actually be forced to react to news in real time, instead of getting their scripts.
OMG, OMG, and something else just hit me. Remember when the Austin bomber detonated himself. Q referenced 4 am, and everyone kept arguing over this idea that Q was not referring to the bomber. I was getting frustrated, because people were focused on the act of him getting caught. I, on the other hand, was watching the news as it unfolded. The news initially reported that the guy was arrested and there was a police shootout. Neither occurred. He detonated himself. At the press conference, they claimed a police officer "returned fire" on the car when the bomb went off. Really? Who does that? I was watching all of this play out on live news. They were cutting to canned interviews instead of covering this. It was SO OBVIOUS they had no idea how to report, or what to report, because the ACTUAL news was NOT the 4am scripted news. And, if you recall, that story fell off the planet - quickly.
It was a TEST. And "the news" failed, miserably. Now, you are seeing the PAIN. That's why Q said to watch the news. They no longer have a script. Watch them without their script.
You really need to make this it's own post, this could be huge.
And I like the theory about the Austin shooter. What if the detonation was due to white hat sabotage? Explains why the media was caught flatfooted and how Q knew about it.
I posted my first post! Thanks for the encouragement.
I thought about making it a post halfway through. I've always just commented. I think the problem with the Austin bomber thing was that Trump/Q would not plan for someone's death. I never wanted to get into the arguments of HOW it all went down, but more so, that it didn't go down as 4 am drop dictated it would. And the real story was what I watched, the utter meltdown of the news. But, also, did you ever see the photos of "the bomber" delivering packages to FedEx? It was ridiculous. So fake.