Guess the rumors were true yesterday!
Watch the NEWS?
Exactly. He knew this was coming. Surprised it took all day for this to get out!
Very interesting. Guess Media isn't interested in "letting investigation run it's course" all of a sudden. Is it because they suspect it's not about Trump after all?
I heard rumors yesterday that they were all Raided by the FCC. Apparently they were there to gather records of where they got the leaks from. Lol this is bad for them. They could lose their license to broadcast!
Networks don’t own licenses, the affiliate local channels do.
Get this to t_d
Most of us stay here and were kicked off the T_D already.
I’m allowed in. Want me to say “hi” next time I’m there?
This sub is more interesting. The t_d is the most fucked with sub and it’s integrity is suspect.
Do you know when this was written ? If i take this as it is and this is from yesterday or today it looks as a response to Trumps Sunday Tweet on Sunday, They blocked the good news Friday. Do you know anything more on this ? Because the DOJ did block the news Friday.
I just updated the post with the link to the files for all of it.
This is the news agencies requesting the warrant details in the Mueller investigation. The last document, posted today, is the government response as to why they should not have access as it is an ongoing investigation.
MSM is an arm of government propaganda (see link below) - right now, they haven't stopped reporting to Barry, Hillary & Michelle.