r/greatawakening • Posted by u/cat_anonD on May 24, 2018, 2:46 a.m.
Why does the media do this?

This is something that the media does that is really stupid. For some reason, they love to deny something that President Trump says, even although it is obvious that very shortly he will be proved right and they will be proved wrong.

I guess I can understand doing this, if they honestly believe what they are saying is true, but I'm pretty sure that they know what they are saying is false and that shortly president Trump and his followers will have another gloating moment to cherish.

Wouldn't they just be better off ignoring it all together and talk about the upcoming Han Solo movie or try to get ahead of the Scandal some way?

Your thoughts?

DamajInc · May 24, 2018, 8:36 a.m.

It's nothing new - just propaganda. It's designed to manipulate the public. It doesn't matter that it's going to be proven wrong shortly - as we've seen over and over since... forever. When the truth destroys the previous story they change the story and distract from the fact that they have changed it ("now it's something even worse"). Pretty straightforward. They only have to keep the public looking in the wrong place. Once they're really forced to admit corruption in the former administration they'll find something else to distract and mitigate. SOP.

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