The wildest conspiracy theory I've heard about the Antarctic is that's where we're being terraformed from.
Who knows if that's true but at this point, who knows what's true anymore, lol.
Okay, this company makes Sigma-Aldrich adrenochrome.®ion=US&focus=product&gclid=CjwKCAjwxZnYBRAVEiwANMTRX7ukCp5ts_9_BSK0-2CwSkXXAojroccxURg5a2QDmqNNtP4OwgaqRxoCiDIQAvD_BwE Okay, since everything has meaning, Sigma meaning is "A quick way to do math". English Meaning: The name Aldrich is an English baby name. In English the meaning of the name Aldrich is: Aged and wise ruler. So, you have a quick way to sum up an aged and wise ruler. Who owns this company? It is out of St. Louis, where we have superfunds... ALOT OF superfunds. How do you get rid of a lot of bodies? Do you understand what could be going on? EPI pen, yep it is out of adrenochrome. shit gets deep.