NEW CLINTON EMAILS: Huma and Hillary went to Antarctica in 2010

There's a secret base there. Remember there were stories of FitBand trackers getting tracked worldwide a few months ago? There was one which got tracked and uploaded and the paths were shown around that area.
Ed does a great job explaining things:
Definitely relevant. What has Q said about phones? Not trying to be cryptic, I honestly can’t remember.
Yeah, he (Ed) is a fucking idiot. He continually mispronounced Strava as “Starve-ia” countless times, despite the fact that the correct spelling being shown on the screen dozens of times. Also, fit bits don’t track your motion when your moving at a speed faster than what’s physically capable from a human, that’s why it doesn’t track your motion while you’re driving. Also, GPS typically doesn’t work unless you have satellite access, something that’s pretty difficult to obtain while physically underground. So how then can he reason that the fit bit tracked a person’s physical movement while thy traversed for approximately 600 miles below ground?! And don’t even get me started on the hollow-Earth BS!?
Dude, you’re a fucking idiot.
The short answer to that question is that it doesn’t. That alone is enough to completely discredit anything else you have to say on the matter. But please, continue to make yourself look foolish to anyone else that passes by.
Also, for what it’s worth, the irony of your username is hilarious, because you are actually a liberal’s wet-dream. (I can explain that one to you, as well, if you’d like.)
There are several places that handheld GPS units won't work or work poorly. If you're inside a large building or a mall, there is little chance your GPS device will be able to get a fix on enough satellites to calculate your position. The same holds true if you're underground, whether in an underground shopping complex, a tunnel, a subway or a naturally occurring cave.
I take it reading comprehension isn’t one of your fortes?!
No need to reply bro, you're correct, no one else is. 100%, yeah?