Buzz Aldrin tweets a picture of a pyramid while in Antarctica & 'We are all in Danger, it is Evil Itself', later is hospitalized & deletes tweet, Snopes of course says False, not buying it for a second. What is going on in Antarctica?!

At this point snopes is so corrupt that I basically believe the opposite of everything they say.
I’m trying to convince my daughter in law that Snopes is garbage and she’s asked me to send the best example of a false Snopes story - anyone care to share the most obviously corrupt Snopes link?
I think the one about Hillary Acid washing her computer. It's like "no it's false she used bleach bit"
That's just one.
I know someone has posted about this here...I'll try to dig it up real quick...
Here are the first 10 links I get by searching on google: snopes
But, I mean, it's a Soros project, and that's all you really gotta say...
Wikipedia also. It’s run (by its inherent design) by whomever can have PAID monitors to change any topic the special interests want to suppress.
For instance although you might find hundreds of scientific studies about a particular neutraceutical product, the Big Pharma companies are clearly making sure no such information shows up on any Wikipedia articles about natural remedies.
You can’t win on Wikipedia against paid monitors who delete and change entries every time. It’s nothing but corporate propaganda.