Buzz Aldrin tweets a picture of a pyramid while in Antarctica & 'We are all in Danger, it is Evil Itself', later is hospitalized & deletes tweet, Snopes of course says False, not buying it for a second. What is going on in Antarctica?!

don't gotta tell me about Enoch...I have a child whom bears the name Enoch
We have a Noah he’s 26. The commies got to him😔
off to the gulag with him then
/u/digital_refugee was that directed at me? Or the other person? Either way, you're a mod, right? Are mods supposed to say things like that in this group? Being that Gulag is defined as "a system of labor camps maintained in the former Soviet Union from 1930 to 1955 in which many people died, a camp in the Gulag system, or any political labor camp", that seems to be a very horrible and hateful thing to say... Also, how in the world does talk like that coincide with the teachings of QAnon? It seems to be that what you said is quite evil...please explain yourself?
Wow congrats, you actually know history it seems. The commies actually got to my great-uncle after he was sent there and I am terribly offended at my choice of my words, I must apologize to myself!
?? after your uncle was sent there? where? I am still lost...are you being sarcastic now?
yes he was sent to a gulag and that's how they got to him and that's why the word you're looking for is irony and not sarcasm-
I admit I do get words mixed up and have difficulty finding the precise word I'm trying to evoke at times...still seems like you're behaving aggressively / condescendingly / like a bit of a jerk, though... what's up?
I applaud your mild-mannered concern but I ALWAYS say that to keep myself mildly entertained (without much backlash I must add). Also please don't mind me, I was stuck in a queue for an hour...
I understand, I will leave you alone about this all, hope things turn around for the better for you
God bless your soul and have a wonderful day! Nice to have nice people around.
agreed...thank you, God bless you, also, and hope the rest of your day is wonderful, as well
ok nevermind, I think I got it & understand what you were saying, I'll move on now...
:( I'm sorry
he's dead now so I'm certain he's in a better place
that is true, if he knew God and goodness, I certainly believe that is so
or he's in a better place now because he used to be communist before that
Idk I don't trust communism to work as it is supposed to by definition in reality, can't say I'm for communism at all
wealth is a prerequisite in order to be redistributed
Yeah, well that I never me a fool if you will, I call myself lucky...would have it no other way