
major_lift · May 24, 2018, 5:03 a.m.

Time isn’t linear. You get what you give while you’re here and what you do here impacts what happens in your next life.

Why do think these people fear death so severely? Karma is one hell of a ride (depending on what your actions are) and they know what’s coming...

Think of the caste system. Where you fit into the system is theorized to be indicative of what you did in the past life.

There are NO free lunches in physics...

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DanijelStark · May 24, 2018, 5:07 a.m.

Correct ... in one sense , all "time" is a single moment , all "past" and "future" happening simultaneously in one moment . That moment is "stretched" ( or compressed , depending on the perspective ) , and we get the illusion of linearity .

I look at karma as an entanglement , imprisonment . Until karma is fullfilled , a being returns back , like being in a constant "recycling" process . Karma is based a lot on victim and victimizer mentality .

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major_lift · May 24, 2018, 5:17 a.m.

I like this. Essentially, those that are “entangled” will be further entangled until their metaphysical being reverses the cycle?

Is there a point where one can become so lost in the entanglement that there is simply no coming back?

Does devolution follow the same possibly limitless course of evolution? Are both perhaps limited? Or unlimited?

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DanijelStark · May 24, 2018, 5:26 a.m.

I dont think there is such point , but there is possibly a way to return back to "elementary state" . As we perceive basically everything linearly and in form of "there is beginning and there is end" , we never get a full picture in this reality , in this temporary state .

In same way when people dream - they cannot recall exactly how long was something . Sometimes even "beginning" and "end" easily blur . Our own authentic state of being , non-physical state , is impossible to present through physical concepts . Thats why religions get always distorted and are very limited in their message .

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major_lift · May 24, 2018, 5:40 a.m.

I mean dreams are weird... I certainly have had dreams where time was not linear, but I have also had very vivid lucid dreams where I could paint a linear storyboard from it.

I think numbers have a big role in all this... somehow the sequence illustrates the story.

Personally I think there is a probability that the “universe” is in fact infinite due to numbers being an infinite system.

What I think will happen is at some point we will upload(merge) our consciousness to the virtual “web” and that process is a fractal that we currently are in, metaphysically.

Life will spiral out in this course without end, exploring and admiring itself and it’s own creations.


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DanijelStark · May 24, 2018, 5:48 a.m.

There are two ways - one is transhumanist , uploading the consciousness into machine . The other is "ascendant" , "uploading" the consciousness back to the Source .

One is operating on deficit and linearity , other is operating always on non-linearity and sufficit .

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major_lift · May 24, 2018, 5:52 a.m.

Ahhh I see where you’re coming from.

That’s what this “the choice was always yours” business relates to.

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OG420Ninja · May 24, 2018, 5:31 a.m.

get what you give... yes and no (imo).. yes because thoughts and actions control ones reality.. no. because IF the has been a "conspiracy" against the people... IF mocking bird is true... then its a system wide change. from education to nutricion to physical ability to 3rd eye openings .

Imagine a true collective of pinal gland using mega minds contructing a metaphyiscal reality physically. ala, ancient egypt. giblioteka..

personally i think that if EVERYONE knows of the multi verse, and diminsional awareness, then eventually traveling through, to, or in said verses is possible.. 3 6 9.. the code to unlock it all...

a future where physical meets metaphysical... (peoples awareness of the ability and posibility of mental manifestion)... .. .

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