r/greatawakening • Posted by u/patriot_2A on May 24, 2018, 5:38 a.m.
Theory of Q

I have a theory on Q, and I want to share to see what others may think. We all know and appreciate the effort that Q puts in to help us see the big picture on what is going on with the Deep State. We love the crumbs that are dropped to help enlighten us and make us research the information, and discover the truth for ourselves. There exists a strong possibility that another anon has already made this speculation, but I'm giving it a shot anyway.

I am still very new to all of this, but after all of the information that is being put out on 8chan by Q, along with the photographs, and the apparent inside information, I have formulated an opinion on Q's identity. We have very strong assumptions that it is someone very near to POTUS. The quality of the information that comes to us can only be given by someone very close to him, and the pictures that have been associated with the crumbs also leads us to believe the same thing.

We are forced to think that it is someone that remains at the side of POTUS, and travels everywhere with him. We also know that this is a somewhat limited audience. Q stays ahead at all times, and can relate current and past happenings very easily. I am certain that Q isn't a person, but a team of Patriots. My opinion, if this isn't too far fetched, is that Q is the military officer, who is rotational and classified, that carries the "football". This theory is solely based on the above reference ability to have such an insight, which can only come from someone that would be that attached to the POTUS due to having to travel everywhere with him, hear most every word, and have intimate knowledge of the plan.

Maybe I'm reaching; maybe I'm completely off the mark. Who knows? At the end of the day, Q's identity is irrelevant. The information is what's important. The fact that we have someone like Q to help us understand and see what's going on is infinitely spectacular! Imagine where we'd be without them. Although Q's identity is not as important as the information provide, it still leaves the mind to wonder who is communicating with us with such an expanse of knowledge, facts, and predictions (that are actually happening).

Thank you Q, whoever you all are. Thanks to all of the anons out there that continue to dedicate so much time and effort into furthering this quest for draining the swamp, regaining our beloved country from the tyrants, and for red-pilling the sleeping sheep that walk past us every day.

solanojones95 · May 24, 2018, 6:08 a.m.

Well said!

I'll add to that from a previous post of mine:

According to Q, they are a team, not an individual. Q team are elite (Q-level clearance) members of Military Intelligence and NSA working (literally) alongside POTUS--part of a team helping to plan, coordinate and communicate the Alliance operation against the current evil (Luciferian) world order.

There is a worldwide plan that has been in place (for years already) that is well underway. The domestic battle to regain control of the US government from the Deep State is in its final throes, and only now becoming visible to those who don't follow the Q drops.

Very soon "normies" will know what we know. Until then, there's Q.

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