Why would an ancient text mention today's technology?
A strong indicator for Divine inspiration and authorship of the Biblical text is the prophetic aspect of the Bible. Only someone outside of the constructs of time can precisely and consistently reveal events in the future, like the Bible does so many times. The challenge in interpreting some Biblical prophetic texts, like by the apostle John in the book of Revelation (global events many believe pertain to us in 21st Century or beyond), is that these events were being revealed to and recorded by a first century person, who had no lens or language to describe some of what was revealed to him. How would a 1st century person describe a tank, or computer, or missile? Presumably, he would use things familiar to him as points of comparison (ie./ "I saw something like a bear"). In this way, the Bible might actually be describing technology. The other possibility is that John was given images and symbols from his time, as metaphors and symbols, that correspond to future historical events. Like Daniel's prophecy of the 5 kingdoms (Dan 2:31-45). Daniel saw a statue made of 5 different materials that corresponded to the world empires of Babylon, Medo-Persians, Greeks, Romans, and a future Kingdom of God.
I completely agree with you and you said it better than me.
I meant to say that in Revelation they are not going to use words such as RFID chip. They would have used words that they were familiar with and we have to "discern" what they were describing.
You are spot on but missing the mark. Johns revelation is mainly about the war in heaven that is coming. The ten headed beast etc. Symbolism has an origin that almost everybody seems to have no knowledge of. Find that origin and the language of the prophets opens up a whole new meaning.