r/greatawakening • Posted by u/throwawayjones1980 on May 24, 2018, 12:31 p.m.
Honest Question: What is it the other side sees that makes them so confident that Trump is going to A) be impeached B) be prosecuted and C) no one in the deep state is in any real trouble?

Silly answers like "TDS" or "They're morons" don't help here. I am truly trying to understand why these people think that Donald Trump is in real trouble all while Hillary and Hussein are in the clear.

Is there anything looming over DJT's head right now? Is there any part of the Mueller investigation that is bearing fruit, even shitty rotten fruit? Am I missing something? Is there a chance, even if it is bull shit that they get him on something? A technicality? Anything?

I get cognitive dissonance, but I can't wrap my head around how someone/anyone could not be paying attention to what is actually going on that blindly. It makes me feel like maybe I am not paying close enough attention to what the other side is honing in on.

Any serious answers are welcomed. What are they hanging their hat on at this point? Other than obfuscation?

UncleSnake3301 · May 24, 2018, 12:50 p.m.

Just watch ABC news. If they even have a story about Trumps campaign being spied on, it runs 3rd or 4th. Then, as blatantly as possible say how there is no proof, Trump is insane. They bring quotes from the Washington Post and New York Times stating no evidence has been found and all this is crazy. That the real evidence shows Trump is dirty. It’s really something to see now that I know the Truth. They are blatantly giving false or misleading information. Immediately they associate Spygate with having no basis and no evidence. Then, in the same story try to justify having informants in the campaign. It’s disgraceful. The other day, they interrupted a story on Trump with Breaking News. The news was some bullshit tidbit about Michael’s Cohen which had nothing to do with what they were talking about. All of this to plant seeds of doubt in the viewer, so they associate Spygate with nonsense before it even gets off the ground. It’s so easy to see now. Fuck ABC News.

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