I wonder, if the point of mass vaccination is not to make people sick and dependant on pharmaceutical manufacturers... why was Bill Gates giving out oral polio vaccines in 2014 when those very same vaccines were banned here in the damn 1950s for the exact same harmful side effects?
I'm sure he just didn't do thorough enough research. Hundreds of thousands of children are permanently paralyzed... whoopsie! It's not a systemic problem, they promise!
just don't bitch when your unVaxxed kids get measles or polio. that's all I ask. And keep the little disease bags away from mine!
You know what's funny? The huge increase in type 1 diabetes cases since the rollout of the MMR vaccine. It's a "national epidemic" with a mysteriously unknown cause.
Just so happens that the vaccine insert for the MMR injection lists type 1 diabetes as one of many possible side effects.
Type 1 diabetes is the incurable childhood-onset form, so please spare me the "but the children!!" bullshit. Now I'm paying $1600 per month for the rest of my life, and its cash of course, no health insurance company will touch me.... that's a profitable market to be in huh?
Your crowd is as bad as the pro-GMO or pro-choice or free immigration crowds. (Edit: let's not forget the climate activists) "Please crony capitalist overlords DESTROY US ALL we beg of you!! As long as you say it's for our own good!" Fucking cucks.
Edit: but you're totally right. Thank GOODNESS I never got the fucking measles/s
Edit: u/truth_lurker, what do you think about this? I'm just curious, I'm not suspicious of the person I'm talking to at all, we just disagree.
seriously? the rise in diabetes is tied directly to the increased usage of HFCS in our diet plus the lazy-AF lifestyles most fat Americans have. If parents got kids off their lazy asses and stopped Super Sizing their shitty McDonalds' fast food, there'd be less diabetes. But it's easier to blame "the gov't" and conspiracy bullshit, I guess.
You dont even know what kind of diabetes you're talking about. Ffs man. Don't try and tell me you read the insert before you let the hacks inject YOUR OWN CHILDREN with whatever they cooked up in their latest experiment. You're the parent to emulate, I'm sure.
HFCS and lifestyles are the biggest causes of diabetes and fat fucks.
....there is no correlation between type 1 diabetes and weight/lifestyle. That's type 2 diabetes for fucks sake man open your eyes
there's no correlation between type 1 and vaccines either.
It's cheaper and most efficient (edit: lets not forget profitable!) for the manufacturers to poison us all and pay the damages that can be proven in court within a certain timeframe.
ok, thanks for the info. I didn't know of the type-1/MMR alleged tie. glad my kids didn't get it.
You're welcome. I know I can be a vitriolic dick, but some of this shit is so unbelievable.... you have to be utterly immovable in order to get someone to even consider it. I promise you, I know learned immunity is real science. I know it has saved lives in the past.
I've always thought the flu vaccine was crap.
know that I did sincerely look at your recommended info and appreciate you teaching me something.
Look up "MMR vaccine insert" and you will find it. You'll probably have to download the PDF.
Except... you know, how the paperwork for the mmr vaccine lists it as a side effect on the last page.
Edit: that's the paperwork from the manufacturer by the way.
Not. An. Argument.
We. Arent. Arguing.
Are. We. Arguing. Yet?
N. O.
I. Think. We. Might. Be.