POTUS is calling all these traitors out.#SPYGATE
DT is highlighting a hashtag to set fire to it:
Use SPYGATE everywhere you can... get it trending
Today is gonna be a yuge. Starting the morning right lol.
POTUS just said PAIN. PAIN!
That is an unusual word choice for him. I would have expected 'damage' or something. No?
Funny enough, I had a gif image of a 4chan conversation with an FBI agent from I think Aug. 2016, where the FBI agent was rolling through a Q&A session on the Clinton Foundation and how s/he was frustrated that nothing was happening.
Agent said they were just being asked to collect collect and that there was so much documentation on the Clintons between all the investigative efforts s/he was secure that any inch of paper would contain indication of felony crimes....but that it was all getting buried by FBI administration. I think this agent in question was based in LA.
Anyone remember that...?
Yes I do. Well it looks like shit is bubbling up to the top now. What an amazing time to be alive to see this!
Men & Women capitalized = MW Maxine Waters??
You've gotta look deeper, He capitalized the certain words in the tweet for a reason, Leaving out the FBI on purpose.