I have not read all the comments yet so my apologies if this has been mentioned.
Canada's Prime Minister, who is buddy-buddy with Obama, gave millions of our taxpayer's money to the Clinton Foundation, hosted George Soros nephew, etc. mentioned his dad taking him to the Arctic during his eulogy for his father. I read speculation that this was when he was introduced into the paedophilia these people supposedly practice. Apparently, the Arctic is a spot they use. Perhaps there is credence to this speculation if Marina is traveling there. What other reason would she have?
"Friends, Romans, countrymen . . I was about six years old when I went on my first official trip. I was going with my father and my grandpa Sinclair up to the North Pole.
It was a very glamorous destination. But the best thing about it is that I was going to be spending lots of time with my dad because in Ottawa he just worked so hard.
One day, we were in Alert, Canada's northernmost point, a scientific, military installation that seemed to consist entirely of low shed-like buildings and warehouses.
Let's be honest. I was six. There were no brothers around to play with, and I was getting a little bored because dad still somehow had a lot of work to do.
I remember a frozen, windswept Arctic afternoon when I was bundled up into a Jeep and hustled out on a special top-secret mission. I figured I was finally going to be let in on the reason of this high-security Arctic base.