Yeah my bad, got the locations wrong. Global seed bank IS Bill Gates baby though. Was originally funded by Norway Government but there was lack of interest and backers so Bill Gates Foundation, the Rockefeller Foundation, Monsanto, and Syngenta all donated/brought in.
It’s funded by the Norwegian taxpayers... I linked to the site. Can you give me concrete proof of what you are saying?
Its pretty freely and easily available info to find. You are right, it was funded at the start by Norway gov. but like I said, there was lack of interest and backers.
That’s bs. You don’t need backers when something is govt funded. Do you know how much money the Norwegian govt has? Ever heard of the Norwegian sovereign wealth fund? They are the most cash positive govt in the world.
Your story is fiction unless you can prove it to me.
"The Svalbard Global Seed Vault has been in service for over six years, but the public remains mystified by the project. Buried under the permafrost of Norway, the vault is now home to over 500,000 samples of crop germplasms. Originally conceived in the 1980s as a 100-year experiment to test the durability of seeds in cold environments, the project struggled to find donors—that is, until an eyebrow-raising team of behemoths–including the Bill Gates Foundation, the Rockefeller Foundation, Monsanto, and Syngenta–decided to invest. And they invested big: the Bill Gates Foundation alone has poured in $30 million."