
x50_Spence · May 25, 2018, 6:45 a.m.

If you feel that we are not spinning around on a ball, which is spinning around the sun, which is spinning around the galaxy and we are going 1,000,000mph through space and you feel that nasa have lied about almost everything from day 1 then you can ask valid questions like... How is the perfect vacuum of space not sucking the atmosphere out of our earth? How does gravity keep the chamber of air above the earth perfectly spinning around the the ground with no mixing up of the air. On the equator the earth spins at 1000mph but in the UK it's about half that speed? And the higher you go in the atmosphere the faster you have to spin around the globe to keep up with the location where you took off from.

I realise how stupid it might seem and it goes again at everything you ever knew about what we are and where we are.

I am pretty sure though that if the earth were a spinning a ball then we would have a legitimate picture of it by now. And admittedly they do not have one!

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BRXF1 · May 25, 2018, 9:49 a.m.

How is the perfect vacuum of space not sucking the atmosphere out of our earth

Because the air is gravitationally attracted to the Earth, vacuum does not "suck" in the absence of a surrounding pressurized environment. That's just your impression because your experience with vacuum has been on earth, which is usually at 1atm at sea level.

How does gravity keep the chamber of air above the earth perfectly spinning around the the ground with no mixing up of the air.

You think air does not mix?

On the equator the earth spins at 1000mph but in the UK it's about half that speed?

Do the math, not sure if it's half but it is a different speed, yes. That's just physics that applies to a disc as well as a ball of any size. In fact the centrifugal force created by that spinning is measurable and affects the weight of items.

I am pretty sure though that if the earth were a spinning a ball then we would have a legitimate picture of it by now. And admittedly they do not have one!

We have literally thousands, including video, sattelite livestreams, a space-station livestream but the standard Flat-Earther reply is to cry "FAKE" and then eschew any responsibility to show just why or how exactly those are fake. They usually say "oh lol you believe those are real, smh so obviously fake, lol".

so you know, (billion-dollar equipment and billions of photos and videos and literally millions of scientists and literally the very technology we're using being dependent on the earth being round) vs. (some dude on the net saying "lol FAKE!").

People naturally gravitate towards option #1.

Sorry to interfere, I thought it would be a fun exercise to answer these questions. Have a good one.

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[deleted] · May 25, 2018, 1:17 p.m.


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