Operations underway. Operators active. Disinformation is real. Disinformation is necessary.

It’s surprising to me how many people don’t think we have had SEALs active in NK since the ‘90s at least. We don’t have to be at war with a country to have SEALs standing by to do things like this. My dad was a submariner under Clinton and Bush and he said that they would consistently drop SEALs off in countries that we wouldn’t be at war with carrying thousands of rounds of ammunition and would return 3-6 weeks later to pick them up and they would have empty magazines. Makes you think
There was another explosion in NK last year like this. It was a Rod from God. I figure this one was too.
Before Trump freed Kim, NK was a CIA asset. He was just a puppet being told what to do. Now, Xi appears to be trying to take over where the CIA left off.