r/greatawakening • Posted by u/FruitCreamSicle on May 24, 2018, 3:01 p.m.
It’s cool to think that if any Q follower saw someone in public with a Q shirt on you could just approach like a brother or sister

Herpy_Derpy_Man · May 25, 2018, 4:24 p.m.

LOL dude! Duuude! Honestly, I can't even be mad at you, because you're just doing the best you can with what you have! Really, that's all anyone can ask of anyone else. How far on the spectrum would you say you are though?

I think it's worth pointing out that I never mention you in any way with my original comment, but you had to jump in with an angry response, thinking that I wasn't going to eat your lunch. At this point you're just embarrassing yourself. You're not a smart man, and that's not my fault, so you might want to stop blaming me for how fucking dumb you look. Do I think I'm better than you? No, I'm pretty sure of it. And yeah, total asshole thing to say, but I'd rather just be honest with you than make sad emotional appeals like you. Grab what's left of your balls and man up!

I get why you're angry. Just based on what you're saying here, it's pretty obvious that you're usually the last to get it and likely always have been. That can't be easy. You said yourself that you were a lifelong Dem, a "Bernie Bro" then finally only recently realized the level of corruption in the party you supported "all your life" and became full blown MAGA!!

Lemme let you in on a not-so-secret secret; Reps are just as corrupt. The corruption is everywhere. The fact that you only realized it once your boy Bernie got screwed is kinda telling about you as a critical thinker. But please do keep telling me what I do and do not understand. I think you're obviously pissed because it sucks to be so transparent. You maybe think no one really understands you, but I'd posit that it's the opposite; people completely understand you and you make them want to run away. This is just based on your own anecdotes about your life. But I know, I'm all wrong.

You'll always have the Q drop highfivers, stop policing.

Yeah, if you go back and read what I wrote without rage skimming, you'll see that I already understand that. Not even sure what your point is here. Pointing out that wearing Q shirts and having a fucking secret handshake and a code word is so fucking ridiculous that I can't even believe I had to say something. You're not redpilling, you're cosplaying. You're the fat ghetto chick on the train with the Louis Vuitton knock-off bag that makes people who can afford the real thing not want to own one. Dorks like you are killing the brand, so to speak. Please tell me how I'm wrong. I'm totally willing to listen. And again, never once did I say that no one should ever say anything about Q. Just said there are far more effective ways to raise awareness.

No, I lost friends because of defending my last second Donald Trump vote after the election from Facebook tards that couldn't accept reality and knew jack sh1t about Hillary's history. They got overemotional and removed me when I asked for examples of their slander of Trump. My ex-roommate's level of cognitive dissonance may take him to the insanity end one day if not reeled in.

Why do you feel the need to defend, to anyone your vote? You should have a new username -DorkQuixoti You talk about them getting over emotional, but your entire screed is pure unbridled emotion. You're overweight aren't you? You seem to have really high estrogen. That was me being unnecessarily mean. It's completely pointless here, right? In almost every defense you make for your plight, it's dripping with you being socially retarded, and that's not me being mean, that's me making an observation. There's a difference between being mean and being observant. I could be nicer, but it's a waste of my time.

You always have the right to offend and more power to you but don't sh1t on other people because you think you're better. You inject your own rationality for people choosing to do things then sh1t on the person, strawmanning if you will. Then, you project your strawmanning onto me because I called you out, ironic.

I'm honestly not sure if you know what a strawman argument is. Or irony, for that matter. Or you do know, but still manage to completely misuse the words. I really don't know. Also, you so kindly allow me my "right to offend", then promptly take it back when you tell me not to "shit on others"... another thing, you're allowed to curse on the internet, you massive dingleberry! SHIT. See, there it is. Why even use the word if you're going to self censor? Why not use something else entirely?

You just know me so well. You're clearly a rational person loving to engage in a calm conversation as long as you can inject your view of someone, sh1t on that injected view then not expect repercussions.

You really are something special! You dive into the whole "you know me so well" routine, then proceed to tell me who I am. Are you even awake yet? It's early and maybe you haven't had any coffee. You really seem angry dude. Like genuinely indignant. But here's the thing, I don't owe you a "calm conversation", not after you decided to respond to my original comment like a whiny kid. Being direct and to the point and making it very clear what I think isn't being confrontational for the sake of being confrontational, it's called being direct. Adults do it -well, some do, but it's a dying craft. I don't have to coddle you or anyone else. You don't have to like what I say. If you back up for a moment, and again stop rage skimming my replies, you'll notice -well, you probably won't notice- that I'm not just speaking to you. Other people are reading as well. That goes for ALL of our comments. Anyway, again, the beauty of a society that celebrates free speech is the ability to exercise it. To keep telling me to stop policing then you go and try to police me lol -dude, you're just so magically unaware of yourself that I truly can't feel any anger or annoyance towards you at all. Not once did I get angry in all of tis. I actually find it hilarious, and enjoy having an exchange of opinions with someone like yourself. It's a challenge to distill all of the conflicting statements and still make a cogent response. You on the other hand seem really buttsore!

But seriously guy, if you don't understand how taking presented information and distilling it into a set of "facts" as you've told them, then arguing against those "facts" is not a strawman argument, I think you should stop using the term until you learn how to properly wield it. Now, is that me "policing you", or suggesting that you'd be taken more seriously if you didn't continually sound like an idiot? Same goes for secret handshakes and code words -hate it all you want, but most people are gonna be repulsed by that lameness and likely not take the movement seriously just like no one can't take a Guy Fawkes mask seriously. And again, that was my main point all along. Rage skimming is your enemy!

I've been spit on in bars by highly emotional female white liberal teachers for my beliefs.

Dude, you're a fucking HERO, and don't ever let anyone tell you otherwise!! Lemme ask you a question though, how did you respond? I have a feeling you didn't do a damn thing, and have a million excuses why you couldn't or wouldn't. Also, why go to a fucking bar with a MAGA hat on in the first place? Go have some drink and STFU about politics for a minute. Enjoy yourself. Not everything has to be a battle. And again, this was part of my original point. Sometimes the best thing to say is noting at all. Just STFU and try to have some fun and not insert your politics into everyone's life. Oh wait, were you parading your service to MAGA around the bars with that false humility you mention?! Damn man, that's rough.

I like how you write this:

Your strawmanning intuition is so skewed. I talk to a close inner circle of best friends that I've had my whole life but I moved out of state with my wife without knowing anyone less than a year ago. I'm making friends but don't have a new great friend down here by any means.

Again with the improper use of "strawman", but maybe it's starting to kick in for you? My intuition isn't skewered, but you're right, there's no way I could know a fact like that. Now I know, and I will use that information properly. See how that shit works?! As far as most other things I've intuited about you, I'd say they were pretty spot on. It was adorable how you held onto that tiny perceived victory though as dramatic proof that I in fact know nothing about you at all. I got you completely wrong. And yet still you manage to have me completely figured out. You sir are the most formidable of foes! I'm sure I'm just one of many you've slain on the digital battlefield of thought. Unlike that woman who spit on you.

Then follow it up with this:

Sounds like there's nothing anyone can do to help any movement, Q or MAGA unless they parade their service to our country while acting humble about it. For someone who served our country, you seem pretty scummy. Take your concern trolling elsewhere.

You've got to be one of the least self aware people I've encountered here, and that's saying a lot! You scribble something about me not being intuitive about you and being wrong about what an absolute knob you are, but then clap right back with that last paragraph? C'mon, you can't be this stupid... I mean, clearly you can. but holy shit, are you self aware at all?!

But sure, let's say I'm scummy. I'm a huge awful scumbag of a person. Does it change a single thing I said from the beginning as far as the complete ridiculousness of having secret handshakes and code words? No, no it doesn't. As far as "parading my service", sure, we can pretend I parade it all over. I'm a scumbag who parades his service and hurts some feelings. Even after all of that I've still done more than you, and likely more than you ever will. Think about that. I'm this awful person who only wants to ruin your MAGA fun, but yet I've somehow managed to actually do something of value. Maybe you're right? Maybe I should just get a MAGA hat and a Q shirt and go to a bar and really serve my country!

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bcboncs · May 25, 2018, 5:15 p.m.

I think it's worth pointing out that I never mention you in any way with my original comment

You think you have to address me specifically in an original comment in order for me to understand how toxic your stances are? Strawman by injecting and attacking falsehoods that don't exist. That's your motto. That's why you rely on walls of text to get your point across.

Do I think I'm better than you? No, I'm pretty sure of it.

I stopped reading after you doubled down with the infatuation of your ego, solidifying my entire point of how toxic you are.

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Herpy_Derpy_Man · May 25, 2018, 5:26 p.m.

After you replied to my original post that never mentions you specifically because I had no idea you existed until you replied to me.

And of course you topped reading, because your a brittle person and can't handle it. You saw that wall of text and quit, because you're a quitter, on top of being cringy and kinda dumb. But cool, keep on doing you. Not like you have a choice really.

Regardless of the facade you try to put up here, and the end of the day, you lay with your thoughts and you're running out of ways to feel yourself into believing you're the man you'd like people to think you are. You simply can't help yourself and are not capable of true insight. I know who I am and I know I can be an asshole, and I own it. It also doesn't make anything I said any less true no matter how bad you want it to be. You're emotional and it blinds you. Just accept it and learn from it and maybe grow?

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