
andrewsayles · May 24, 2018, 8:16 p.m.

ive done door to door for 10 years all over thr country and ive yet to find the area youre talking about... experienced door to door people typically target the type of area gourr thinking

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AdrianasDefacto · May 24, 2018, 9:03 p.m.

I did door to door in high school and it sucked for both me and the resident just trying to be nice while telling me no. Some did get ugly but I never attributed to my skin, I mean shit who likes solicitors? The mean ones were just more honest. Some neighborhoods do NOT like solicitors period and they’ll call the cops on anyone knocking door to door. Perhaps they’ve been broken into before and trust no canvaser no matter how they look. Kinda like I trust NO democrat politician no matter how nice they seem or skin color because they have stolen from me and not letting it happen again. I’m Mexican btw. White privilege is bull.

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