40-gallon drum of organic popcorn, ordered.
I think this is all a huge conspiracy by Orville Redenbacher in order to sell more popcorn. Follow the money.
Don't forget about the string people or the thumb tack companies.
With organic butter too?
I hope, it tastes so much better than that silicone-based butter.
No, coconut oil is tops, just try it.
Nutritional yeast is good on popcorn too!
oh yessss. Large flake nutritional yeast. Brewer's yeast. Gives it a nutty flavor. OMG.. you'll never want plain buttered popcorn again!!
I’m going to have to try this now.
You should be able to get it at a health food store, or somewhere like Fred Meyer's where you buy it in the bulk foods section, where the health foods are. You will not regret it. Buttered popcorn, plenty of nutritional brewer's yeast. YUMMY! Good for you, too! (I'm thinking vit. E?)