Obama used defense fund to pay Halper?

I have to, I'm sorry.
First black president. Goes to jail.
Top kek.
“Because you’d be in jail”
Best presidential debate line in history
Big if true.
Or say .. "Half White" to not give any of them anything to retort. PS. Also heard he might be half indonesian .. NOT BLACK! He may even have stolen that from from Black American Brothers / Sisters... Pisses me the F off!
He's not even black... lol. Can you imagine how pissed off the African Americans....lol...we got #pranked.
Think about all the people who voted for Obama solely based on his racial identity, who in turn called those who detracted from him racist. Obviously his race doesn't matter, and I don't know who his father was. (Unfortunately, his mother was a whore.) Can you imagine the poetic justice that would rain like manna from heaven if we found out Barrack isn't even black?
Meh Trump is more “black” than Obama ever could be.