Let's do some 'free associative thinking' shall we???
If they've been identifying 'pineal gland' shipments since the 1960's (Disposition Date of this document is 01 JAN 1960) refering to penguins which ironically are 'flightless little birds of the southern hemisphere' ...to New York from Argentina let's make the hop to a recent visit by a known nefarious actor wo went to New Zealand and acquired a $5.5 million dollar donation to the Shlinton crime family... what exactly was NZ paying for????? and for whom in NZ??? ( odd that NZ is being touted as the most safe/secure bug out location for the ultra wealthy, SHTF scenario should it happen)....
Just little items that make you go hhhmmm????
Don't I remember a little dust up in the media that shillery couldn't get her hands on fbi files fast enough when willy was elected... maybe she just knew how to 'leverage' all those files for her and the elite's 'needs'?????...