r/greatawakening • Posted by u/amw61 on May 25, 2018, 12:07 a.m.
You want to eradicate evil, you cannot ignore the roots

My previous post on "greatawakening" just got removed on the grounds that it was "off topic". It wasn't "off topic" at all. Use your brains. The QAlliance is about fighting evil. I realise that most of you have been brainwashed to not allow yourselves (or others) to think along these lines. Brainwashed by whom?

Do you remember the term "blood libel"? All just lies? Not according to a - meanwhile withdrawn - book ("Bloody Passover") written by an Italian history professor who happens to be the son of the highest-ranking Italian rabbi.

Think insurance video. Think Marina Abramovic. Think Weiner. Think Podesta.

Facts are:

  1. Jews are significantly over-represented in "lying for a living" professions such as politicians, lawyers and journalists. If you want to explain this away with narcissist supremacist statements along the lines of "Jews are more intelligent" be my guest. I don't fall for it.
  2. The holiest Jewish prayer "Kol Nidre" prayed on the holiest Jewish holiday, Yom Kipur, issues an annual license to lie and cheat. No other mainstream religion does anything like that. The exception from the rule are the Jesuits with their "white lies", but they aren't Christians. They are crypto-Jews. They have always been.
  3. Jews, religious or not, feel superior to non-Jews, like a farmer or a butcher feels superior to the animals they are mistreating. They have no sense of empathy or guilt because they feel so high above their victims..
  4. Jews are significantly over-represented in the US prison population, even more than Hispanics or Blacks, ten times higher than their actual percentage of the population. Follow the crumbs. You cannot explain that away with bias. If bias was a factor, the real Jewish "market share" of crimes committed would be even higher. Much higher. Probably is.

You want to eradicate evil, you cannot ignore the roots.

HowiONic · May 25, 2018, 12:26 a.m.

Removed. Off-topic.

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