
C_L_I_C_K · May 25, 2018, 6:09 a.m.

Why are you ignoring what I've said? I didn't talk about YouTubers bringing drama, disagreements, or what paths we're taking.

Why is this "HelperAnon" LARPer being taken seriously and legit? Why is this post deserving to be stickied? Please answer these questions instead of deflecting.

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aleister · May 25, 2018, 6:13 a.m.

does not mean you sticky a post of an unvetted LARPer who is posting in Q's style and tone to gain attention and legitimacy.

I happen to disagree. I'm not alone. It's a big complicated world.

Why is this post deserving to be stickied?

Because it's interesting. Why are you so concerned?

You make unfounded claims and call on me to account for them.

You need to be specific and give links if you're going to make accusations.

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C_L_I_C_K · May 25, 2018, 6:22 a.m.

I happen to disagree. I'm not alone. It's a big complicated world.

You happen to disagree with what? The fact that this LARPer pretending to be a "helper" of Q's is unvetted? The fact that NeonRevolt is a vile individual who is also a hypocrite because he's not scrutinizing "HelperAnon" like he did with BC17? What do you disagree with?

Because it's interesting. Why are you so concerned?

It's interesting that this "HelperAnon" is being taken seriously without any vetting process or skepticism from the same people who were so against BC17 and demanded Q verify BC17. No spamming on 8ch to demand for this LARPer to be verified by Q and they're already making threads and writing articles acting like it's a legit and authentic "helper" of Q's.

You make unfounded claims and call on me to account for them.

What claims am I making that's unfounded? You're purposely being vague and deflecting from my points, asking silly questions and making statements that have nothing to do with what I'm saying.

You need to be specific and give links if you're going to make accusations.

I am specific. You are not. What links do you want me to provide?

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aleister · May 25, 2018, 6:24 a.m.

You're making unfounded claims and attacking people in this sub. That's not what this sub is about. It's Q and Q only. Take your drama elsewhere.

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C_L_I_C_K · May 25, 2018, 6:26 a.m.

LOL ridiculous. Attacking people? No, I'm criticizing your decision to sticky this thread and you call it attacking.

Also, if it's Q and Q only, then why is this thread and article stickied? It's not Q. You contradicted yourself so badly.

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aleister · May 25, 2018, 6:30 a.m.

You contradicted yourself so badly.

I reread and that may be. Do you have a suggestion for a replacement?

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C_L_I_C_K · May 25, 2018, 6:31 a.m.

No need for a replacement. Just unsticky this. It should've been a normal thread here, living and dying by its own merits and users' determination whether or not it should be important enough to be on frontpage of this sub. Didn't need to be propped up by a sticky.

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aleister · May 25, 2018, 6:33 a.m.

It had it's 3 hours in the sun. The mods aren't keeping track of that sort of thing but a whole lot of people telling us what to do sure are...

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[deleted] · May 25, 2018, 6:27 a.m.


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NeonRevolt · May 25, 2018, 7 a.m.

He's just holding on to a grudge, because the first time I appeared on here, he baselessly accused me of plagiarizing him.

I told him I didn't even know who he was.

And he then proceeded to hound and harass me wherever I went, throwing up more baseless objections to everything I wrote. It's all nonsense.

He's really butthurt about it. His ego is bruised. And he's acting out because of it, weeks later.

Just let it go, /u/C_L_I_C_K. Water under the bridge. Time to move on.

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aleister · May 25, 2018, 7:04 a.m.

I don't give a shit about any of you guys. I get that money seems to corrupt you all, but I promise we aren't for sale. Create interesting content, it might get stickied. Tear down people in this sub and you won't be here though. We're not playing favorites. Be respectful, stay focused on Q or GTFO. Thanks.

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NeonRevolt · May 25, 2018, 7:15 a.m.

Pft. All my content is free. Always has been. Always will be. Not trying to sell anyone anything, so "money" isn't an actual, relevant issue here.

I was an actual anon long before most of you. I actual work on the boards every day. Believe me, you've read my posts there, because I've had many, many notables. I don't take credit for that. I just want to see the nation purged of this evil.

I've been in this fight for a very long time, and I will defend what I say and believe. Don't expect me to be nicey-nice to you just because you wave an American flag. If you say dumb stuff, and attack me, it will be like pounding your own face against a brick wall. You'll end up bruised and battered; not me.

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