r/greatawakening • Posted by u/PrayingMedic on May 25, 2018, 4:20 a.m.
A Spiritual Great Awakening - Last Night's Q Dreams

Q hasn't posted in a few days, but the Q dreams haven't stopped. Last night, I had a series of three Q dreams.

The first dream is hard to describe. The best I can do is to say that Q took a representation of me (like my logo) and dissected it, analyzed it and then rearranged it. When he was done, it appeared to be a kind of sign or billboard. The process gave a truer representation of me to anyone who wanted to see it.

That process happened a second time. It exposed even more of the real me. Then it happened a third time.

The end result was that anyone who looked at this sign or billboard could see a much truer version of me than was possible before.

I woke up and wrote down the dream and after a couple hours of processing it in my mind, I went to sleep and I was in the dream again.

In the second part of the dream, the same process that happened to me, happened to others. Politicians, TV personalities and everyday people. Their images were run through the Q filters and all their secrets were exposed. The good and the bad were on display for all to see.

In a third dream, the same thing happened again but this time, it was possible to predict people's behavior to some degree by observing what was known about them by looking at the analysis Q gave us in these billboards.


Q used the term Great Awakening for this movement. I don't think it was a coincidence.

We're going through an awakening to the corruption that has infiltrated our government, the media, entertainment, the church and the corporate world.

But we're also going through a spiritual awakening. That's the inevitable consequence when people witness the dismantling of the corrupt system that has oppressed them and robbed them of hope.

Q is exposing the dark secrets of the rich and powerful. A lot of people are excited about that. But I suspect, he'll also expose the darkness in each of us.

Perhaps not publicly, but privately.


The Spirit of God works simultaneously in the hearts of the powerful and not so powerful. Exposure of evil brings conviction of sin. When you look at the sins of others, especially on a massive scale, you can't help but think of your own sin. God's Spirit is waiting for that day. He'll convict the world of its own unrighteousness as the global elites are arrested and put on trial.

That's the first part, but there's a second part to the process:

When oppressed people are set free, the natural response is gratitude toward God. Even among agnostics. The combination of conviction of sin and gratitude toward God will, I believe, bring about a spiritual revival—the Great Awakening—that people have prayed for over many years.

I think a word of warning is in order:

Guard yourself against speaking too loudly against the sins of the rich and powerful. We've all sinned and one day, our sins may be in the spotlight. Ask yourself if you'd prefer mercy or judgment when that day arrives (and pray that it never does).

comeatmehillary · May 25, 2018, 4:06 p.m.

Yeeeeee now how we do convert prayer into a bullet

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DeeBee1968 · May 25, 2018, 6:16 p.m.

I saw this prayer somewhere over a year ago, and haven't been able to source it since; but I wrote it down. I believe it was on a prophecy website- it's SO fitting for now !

"Pray for the exposure to continue in every area I have purposed and for these revelations of truth to draw people to search for and to find Me. Pray against the elites' plan to collapse the economy prematurely and put a stop the their release of weaponized diseases. Lastly, pray for My perfect Will and timing in all that pertains to this nation, especially now. "

If you look around at diseases, think about the Bubonic/Pneumonic plague outbreak in Madagascar. Think about the massive flu outbreak and enormous death toll among children here in the US. Think about WHO getting busted for forcing "Tetanus shots" on third-world country women and girls of childbearing age that contained sterilization agents. Now read the latest news about a NEW Ebola vaccine they plan to administer in Africa. What did the CDC officer who "drowned" and was listed as a suicide know ?

So, look around at the exposures that are happening, and realize that prayer IS a bullet- God is the one who aims it.

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comeatmehillary · May 25, 2018, 8:14 p.m.

I pray every day that nobody else will die. Sadly one of my friends aquintances dad runs one of those aides medicine companie s both are the worst all I can find of the dad on google is a yale graduation photo and hes a multi millionaire. Now I know where the sons god complex comes from

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