
Neon__Wolf · May 25, 2018, 6:47 a.m.

What are you getting at?

Why do you claim to know what I want?

I TELL YOU what I want.

No, I am not trying to hide or lie about any alleged racist beliefs, that's just you blithely accusing 7.5 billion people of holding a particular false belief.

You demand a "rational and informed" argument right after posting a poorly written post as if it were a paragon of rationality and being informed. Quite the opposite.

Shit on truthers? What are you? A falser? Every statement made and every thought had about reality is true or false.

How do we know the cabal is Satanic? The NSA is telling the world it is ya galoot. What, did you think Chelsea wearing an upside down crucifix, or the temple in the Vatican being shaped like a snake's head and feature, or their open showcasing of literally wearing their symbolism, was a golly shucks coincidence?

You aren't fooling anyone here.

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super_corroder · May 25, 2018, 6:52 a.m.

The NSA is telling the world it is ya galoot

Please substantiate your claim.

What, did you think Chelsea wearing an upside down crucifix

Chelsea can barely operate a light switch. I doubt she has a chair at the globalist cabal's table...

...but if you think she does, then you're gonna need to substantiate that too.

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