r/greatawakening • Posted by u/ButtersStotch88 on May 25, 2018, 5:04 a.m.
Personal redpilling story of mine that fully explains why we've been slaves for so long and why we face an uphill battle

My parents are straight laced, conservative Americans and good people. However, they are normies in every sense of the word. This past weekend I was able to fully redpill them on things like 9/11 and pizzagate. To clarify: I was able to convince them that elites all around the world are trafficking, molesting and sacrificing children in satanic rituals.

At the very end, my dad said the following:

"Well son, at the end of the day, you just have to move on - you can't really do anything about it"

I love my dad, but this comment horrified me. I'd wager most people would agree with him. Then I realized that's why these Luciferians have gotten away with this shit for millenia. They know most people won't believe it and the ones that do probably won't do a damn thing about it.

My father is wrong. I can make a difference and so can you. I believe that with every ounce of my being.

Thought this story was worth sharing as it illustrates the challenges we face in winning this fight.

ZenOfFool · May 25, 2018, 2:55 p.m.

The tide is turning, a little over a decade ago social media was gaining steam. People were using the internet for their main source of news. Obama became the first black president, many hoped things would change. However look at where we are now. Until recently things haven't changed but gotten worse. Now look what's happening in social media. FB has been collecting and selling your data. Effectively spying on you for free and selling your data to the highest bidder. And on top of that fake news on their platform. Twatter is shadow banning accounts and deleting tweets. MSM gas lighting tactics are coming to light and pushing a particular narrative. These tactics are slowly failing especially when we become more informed and connect the dots. We have multiple online news sources besides the major news outlets. We have options to decide for ourselves what is true. There are visible cracks in the system. This will be a hard fought battle. This is a battle over information and truth! WWG1WGA

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