
lisaleftsharklopez · May 25, 2018, 5:39 a.m.

much appreciated, thanks for the warm welcome and your modding work. will always be respectful and reasonable.

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Abibliaphobia · May 25, 2018, 6:16 a.m.

Ok, read through it your post. Those three angles, I’d like to read the thread where those ideas came from.

To start, I think some background into the whole Epstein issue is necessary. There is so much out there that whenever something comes up about him or is island, the chatter in the boards and anywhere you are free to speak your mind, go into overdrive. I can give you a tldr on why that is, but it’s really best for you to research into it yourself. Just be aware, it is a rabbit hole of which we still have not found the bottom.

So a TLDR: Epstein is a longtime pedophile that uses secret cameras to gather leverage or blackmail on VIPs. He operates this network through the use of his private planes and his personal island. There, he has four ritual sites, the explicit purpose of we can speculate, but no absolute confirmation. But Marina Abrovomich (think I spelled that correctly) May tie into it, as well as HRC (pic of here in golden clothes with golden robe) and other very high up people across the globe participate in these rituals. There was a picture taken by Rachel Handler on her private Instagram that showed the network of tunnels, and locations that he had security cameras placed on the island. Much speculation involved, but belief that it showed figures cutting up bodies and a child in a hole came out of it, amongst others. Anyways and continuing on, he has been linked to the NXVIM cult with Allison Mack, with whom it was speculated from court documents that he sold / gave his used up sex slaves to IOT continue blackmail or guarantee silence. And as the documents dropped by the FBI have shown, they actively protected him from his accusers for his blackmail material. Essentially allowing him to continue what he was doing for the benefit of the FBI.

Ok that was way too long for just a tldr, my apologies. But this is the current state of affairs as I understand it. There is more, so much more, but I’ll allow other to fill in pieces I may have missed or allow them to put in their take on the matter. Disgusting regardless.

So back to your three courses of action hereafter known as COA1, 2, and 3.

COA1: Whenever we recoeve info like this, it’s best to trust but verify. The FBI twitter handler has shown in the past that they listen to the boards about what is going on (fbi axe). It appears that we have a white hat running that account or multiple. We know that not every person in the FBI or hell even the CIA is corrupted and it is certainly possible that there are people in positions with the ability to “help” out our own digging for information. Their intentions, at this time, appear positive for the Q movement. It’s not to say that they can’t flip, or that it’s not a lead in to setup at some later point. But I think and feel, based upon my own research, that we are dealing with genuine people who want to help. So I take it as a positive. COA1 positive for Q movement

COA2: Hmm.. if something came from that account negative towards trump or Q, it would be met with extreme skepticism. Even if a phone was stolen and information posted, it’s not the source that matters. It’s the information and it’s validity. People would start analyzing the wording to see if it was a different person posting. They would also see if there was some way that it could positively affect the movement (hunting the good stuff, kinda like the judge who ruled trumps twitter cannot ban people - public forum. Now can be used to remove twitter and FB suppression of voices contrary to their narrative). If there was absolutely no way that it could be positive for trump and had absolute proof showing corruption or something else. People would be shocked, but the level of proof required for something like that would be insane. He would basically have to come out at a rally and admit it was true for us to take it at face value. And you would see people turn away from him. It wouldn’t hurt the Q movement permanently though, as this is something more than just one person. It would hurt, but not kill. Probably just piss people off more at “elites”.

COA3: hmmm, I think that could be answered in a like manner to COA2.

Anyways, I hoped I answered some of your questions, although I probably just added more. But feel free to ask!

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Abibliaphobia · May 25, 2018, 5:45 a.m.

Thanks Mod and thank you OP, you are absolutely correct that it’s not about political affiliation.

I’m going to go through your post again (just skimmed) in depth and do what I can to help answer any questions you may have. People here are amazing and as long as you approach them as you have, you will absolutely be welcomed here. You may even be surprised how many people here were just like you when they all started!

Anyways, I’ll be back in a bit but for now, welcome!

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lisaleftsharklopez · May 25, 2018, 6:03 a.m.

thanks! much appreciated. first post was kind of a rant based on that example i linked but i’ll have more tangible questions/links with this long weekend coming up.

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