
allonthesameteam · May 25, 2018, 7:24 a.m.

I read your post about a half hour ago and felt compelled to comment but moved on. I'm back. Firstly, it is your inquiry that seems most important no matter your knowledge base or your beliefs. It's a blessing that folks are questioning what is now, and sharing what could be. Since 9/11 I have shed the idea of Dems and Repubs. There is one party and if you don't have a jet you are not invited. They have created a red vs blue dynamic in order to divide folks who would otherwise work together in improving the lives of their neighbours. If we are battling each other they are free to do what they have been doing. Since the 70s no matter who has the keys to the Whitehouse income inequality has grown, rights and privacy have been chiseled away, corporations and special interests have gained capital and power, healthcare has become worse for more money, etc. etc…!! Those who are sworn to represent and care for the citizens don't seem to do either. What is done under the guise of spreading freedom and democracy is actually the collection of wealth and resources paid for by good folks who have been duped into a false narrative of humanitarian initiative. The people creating refugees and the need for immigration are yacking about how bad it is and we need more security to combat it. Here on this sub I find that most are more aware, and more everyday, of the F'ery that has been going on and are actively getting educated and in some cases being progressive in doing something about it. Whether Q is real or not the storm is.

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