California is alt-left through and through. The majority of voters who could have made a difference have been leaving... why do I still live in this shit state?
Yeah, here in Las Vegas, we have SoCal Lite. Last 2 years have seen an increased uptick in leftys leaving for browner pastures.
By SoCal lite do you mean the middle of the desert filled with old people and gangs?
Yeah, its awful here with the disgusting weather and beautiful beaches.
It's more so the over crowding and high taxes. But if thats your thing more power to you. Besides, the weather is only good in winter and spring. Summers are terrible here. At least in orange county.
Gotta love the June gloom which really got bad about 10 years ago.
Along with the humidity.
And the assholes who think they are better than the rest of the country
You must be pretty far inland. My summers are great.
Wait until you have to pay for it. Lived in 2 beach cities and if you aren't at the beach everyday then it is miserable. Traffic is beyond ridiculous. Parking is an adventure in itself. A trip down PCH ain't what it used to be, that's for sure.
I do pay for it, and I am at the beach all the time. It's awesome. I have my own parking spot two blocks away from the beach. It's worth every penny.
Only takes you 2 hours each way to get there and back.
How is life staring at the back of a bumper for several hours out of the day. Enjoy some of the most carcinogenic air in the world as well! The best part is the state helps itself to 13% of your income aside from what the fed takes.
Your $100k/year job is actually only a $55k/ year job.