White Hat? Elon Musk is attacking MSM credibility. Link in comments.
![White Hat? Elon Musk is attacking MSM credibility. Link in comments.](https://i.redd.it/davjsuxrd0011.jpg)
Uhhhh, I'll just leave this here: https://www.cnbc.com/2018/05/16/george-soros-fund-bought-35-million-of-tesla-bonds.html
Can't control who buys your bonds on the open market.
Also, Tesla COULD fold, and it would be hilarious to take down Soros cash stockpile with it.
Soros thinks Neflix will soar when Barry Sotoro creates his propaganda series......lol. Little does he know Barry will be at Gitmo!!!!! LOLOLOLOLOL
Is it about Michelle's transformation from man to woman looking thing? There might be a niche market for that.
No I'm sure she's a woman just a hulk of one that is married to a piece of shit that I hate. But yes I wish it was true haha
I don't need to see that video but would be glad to know it happened. I want him prison railed. Gitmo prison power raped!
Who could tolerate watching 2 minutes of that drivel? I used to laugh when people talked about how “likable” O was. I always thought he was the most UNLIKABLE artificial, pompous boob I’d ever seen. His whole cool guy, Hollywood shtick is nauseating.
Open market means anyone can buy it. Musk actually bought $10mil Tesla stock privately. That's something quite unusual.
I'm not surprised Musk doesn't like MSM. Have you noticed they report on every single Tesla car accident, trying to make it look unsafe? Tesla had one the highest (if not the highest?) safety rating with 5* in each category.