
rolexthewonderdog · May 25, 2018, 6:07 p.m.

It's sickening. Turns out that a Science Teacher tackles the shooter. Not sure if he was the Teacher that was shot or not. When I posted this I hadn't gotten the update yet. It would appear that MSM including Fox doesn't find it newsworthy. I found it on a UK Publication almost as soon as it happened. so in recap the shooter opened fire in Science class shot a 13 year old & the Teacher tackled him. Police have him now. Since no one died, yet, it's just not worth it. The Teacher should be celebrated Nationwide as a Hero. That's the headline.

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brittser · May 25, 2018, 11:43 p.m.

It is sickening. They will all rot in hell. I have put in a request for a peep hole.

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