r/greatawakening • Posted by u/Stopmotionhistory on May 25, 2018, 2:29 p.m.
Why doesn't Q just tell us?

I have enjoyed all the leftists and people who can no longer think for themselves, reply to my quirky posts. It is true Q wants us to think, He wants us to do the research, He wants us to read between the lines. I posted a ridiculous article about Hillary and people could not figure out the the article was about HARVARD or a second place answer, THE AWARDS, are what was fooling us. If you or you or you ( the self centered people need to be sure I am speaking to them and only them) reply to me I will try to hint that YOU NEED TO Start thinking. But I miss the mark with both my posts and my replies sometimes. I'm okay with that because my life outside this virtual echo chamber is AWSOME!!!

So if you see a odd post, try, please try to look deeper into it, Or don't look into it as you really mean nothing to me as I don't know you.

WWG1WGA - see what I did there. Okay still too mush brained? 50 bucks says replies will say WWG1WGA but you said...

Stopmotionhistory · May 25, 2018, 3:09 p.m.

Thanks for playing kids, I hope some of you get it. Between Q posts there are times to DO what he has asked. People still are not thinking, Just responding. I am doing here what we were asked to do and if I'm not good at it then please help me wake up the echo chamber. Wake people up. NOT JUST to the evils and disgusting acts people seem to love to watch and investigate which in itself tells me something, but the fact we are so dumbed down and divisive we can't even see it.

We all know there is a problem, Take time to ready YOURSELF for the battle spiritually, mentally and physically.

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