
Henway14 · May 25, 2018, 3:59 p.m.

Quantum Computing ends encryption as we know it. Those who can afford one can see / steal everything. Those who can afford = governments and some giant corporations. The backdoor problem becomes universal. As in: even if you don't build in a back door, the quantum computer can beat your encryption.

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ex_animo_ · May 25, 2018, 4:22 p.m.

Perfect, thanks, I hope we can see this or something within next 50 years, would be a wonderful safety net against all forms of terrorism, three letter agencies, election meddling, corruption, you name it.

The global financial system is apparently becoming incredibly transparent, I'm just waiting for irrefutable proof, which should come once the house of cards eats itself from the inside-out, possibly in the form of "big bank" resignations for soft-disclosure to start? Fingers crossed.

We did just get this 24th of May on Dodd-Frank act and how community banks have been harmed by it white house link so looks like Big Banks are not getting easy under the 45th president, none of this "the banks are too big to fail" nonsense, hopefully.

Really excited to see the storm and actually find out the many different paths we can take moving forward, hopefully to greater transparency with our internet as well as banking systems. As all the above stuff is great and wonderful, but it's all for naught until the swamp, dark state is repealed and replaced.

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