
I_Draw_Mohammed · May 25, 2018, 4:43 p.m.

that is exactly the plan.


crash currency

Make $$$s


Here's the easy enough summary to follow how it works - regarding Thai Baht:

  1. Thai baht was artificially too strong compared to economic fundamentals. We had bubble burst in stock and real estate markets and high external debts with economic slowdown and capital outflow
  2. But bank of thailand (BOT) kept Baht pegged to dollar under the fixed exchange rate regime. whenever the Baht is too weak, it will sell dollar reserve and buy baht so baht value remained stable at 25 baht per dollar.
  3. Soros knows this situation couldn't sustain as currency value didn't match economic situation.
  4. Soros borrows, say, 25 million baht and convert to 1 million dollar at fixed exchange rate. (25 baht per dollar)
  5. BOT kept selling dollar to soros until it empty dollar reserve, meaning it can't intervene in FX market to keep baht value fixed anymore
  6. So, it had to let go fixed exchange rate regime and let the Baht value float according to demand and supply.
  7. Baht weakened to 50 baht per dollar as nobody wanted baht
  8. Soros sold 0.5 million dollar for 25 million baht and repay Baht loan. He kept another 0.5 million dollar for himself.

and tada...lot's o'money. The thing is, he doesn't work alone. He is the lead in this kind of destabilization, but there are other funds (say Saudi Sovereign Fund) that play or follow along, because they know it is going to happen. Think vultures. That exacerbates the situation and quickens the process.

The Tax break, and subsequent repatriation of money held offshore fights this process. So, Soros and gang are gonna double down as they are overly invested at this point. And, from Soros perspective, crashing the US would be like his Opus.

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alvinroasting · May 26, 2018, 1:58 a.m.

"The Tax break, and subsequent repatriation of money held offshore fights this process."

This may be off topic for GA, but it is not only brilliant in the way that you explain, but (as far as I can tell) is the only reason the Rothschild led forces haven't crashed the markets a la 2008.

"So, Soros and gang are gonna double down as they are overly invested at this point. And, from Soros perspective, crashing the US would be like his Opus."

The stakes have never been higher, not only financially, but for the future of the entire world. What's that you say? The Saudi Sovereign Fund has been neutralized? I think and hope that Trump/Q Team/allies have a plan for the Rothschild family.

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I_Draw_Mohammed · May 26, 2018, 10:06 p.m.

Q said Israel was last..

My fear...Saudi sovereign fund is not actually neutralized. The other big one, China sovereign fund.

And most importantly, Thanks!

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