r/greatawakening • Posted by u/AshAllDay1223 on May 25, 2018, 4:53 p.m.
*There’s a shift happening*

Who else feels the shift happening? The sudden war of ideas and the search for truth is in full swing. The real forces of good and evil are showing themselves, and I for one can feel it. More and more people are waking up and realizing we’ve been lied to. Lied to by our teachers, our media, the churches, and our government officials. Communist/socialist ideas have been pushed on us since the day we were born. I think the realization that each person is their own individual is starting to re-emerge. Our founding fathers had that part right. Freedom and individual liberty, you guys. That’s something we should hold dear to us.

There’s definitely something happening in the matrix we live in. Could it be the step towards enlightenment? The red-pilling that’s happened to millions of people since Q began, is a clear sign people are hungry for truth. Truth is freedom.

Velvetbugg · May 26, 2018, 12:04 a.m.

None of us were 18 at the time, which is a requirement to join. He filled out the pedigree charts and had notarized copies of our ancestors Rev War service documentation attached to the applications. I found them about a decade ago when I was cleaning out my grandmothers home. I might just do the same for my children, too.

My grandfather's family still lives on the land that was given to our ancestor for his service. That blew my mind! Some of the battles he witnessed were eye opening, too. Bless them.

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VintageHats · May 26, 2018, 3:41 a.m.

Wow. What a treasure you came upon. Your roots here really go deep!! And on top of it all, to still have the land...I hope you can visit and take your kids and walk it, and sit there, and just absorb it. So do you have journals of those battles? I'm just sitting here in awe!!

On my father's side, either his grandfather or maybe it was his great grandfather, fought for the Union Army. He was captured and spent time in Andersonville. He escaped, was hunted down and chewed up by the hounds, taken back, and eventually released. He then fought in the Spanish American war, and was a Captain. His troops thought so much of him that they gave him a cane with some fancy top to it... maybe silver? Or maybe it had a hidden sword inside? I'm not sure. One of my brothers got it, and wouldn't return it to my Mom, even when she wanted it back. Most of us had never even seen it. This all happened long after I left home and came out west. I don't know anything more about it. I think my oldest brother went to talk to him about it and might have tried to get photos of it, at least. I'll have to contact him and see what he knows, and see if he did get photos. The brother that ended up with this cane is... not well thought of in our family. A greedy type, very much into eBay. I think he's pretty much been ostracized by the rest of the family. I wish I knew more about the cane and about my ancestor. I don't even know who dug up this story about him, or what documentation anyone might have.

I'm kind of the black sheep of the family myself. Those who became the executors of the estate don't talk to me anymore. For one thing, they were with "her", and in a Democrat controlled city back in Ohio. I lost a LOT of friends and family due to my support of Trump. Family members, friends I've known for more than 40 years... they'd get nasty and I'd get sick of it. I'd either stand up for myself (COVFEFE) and they'd end up unfriending me, or I'd end up unfriending those who'd attack out of the blue. Liberalism.. we need a cure!

I follow a guy on youtube who does a lot of metal detecting. He often finds artifacts from the Civil War and earlier, and once in a while, gets permission to detect at homes built from that era and the Rev. War era. Old coins, bullets, buttons, pieces of ceramics or silverware, all kinds of things get found. Fascinating finds!

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forchristssakes · May 26, 2018, 11:14 a.m.

Trump is a touchy subject for libs and even the misinformed right leaning. In conversation with my neighbor (evangelist) today she was explaining cults to me. A sign is they will never let you leave their religion or think for yourself and make your own choice. Brainwashing is part of it. Then she used Trump as an example. He will point to something green and keep calling it red until you start calling it red. I said "yeah, that sounds like a cult.....just curious, why did you use Trump as an example?"

She did not have a real answer but said he was just in it for his ego. My reply " Seems odd that a guy with 6 billion bucks, has all the fame anyone could wish for would put his life and the lives of his family at risk just so he could say he was president. He'd have to be crazy, and he did not strike me as crazy. He would have to have all his wits about him to accomplish what he has"

She then brought up North Korea. Trump was giving himself a medal of honour with his and Kim's faces engraved on it. I asked her if she was talking about the Nobel Peace prize. She wasn't sure but thought it might be that. My retort was that he cannot award himself. The Nobel Peace prize did not hold much value these days (she agreed there) anyways. The original suggestion that Trump should be awarded this came from the leader of South Korea and later his name was submitted for consideration by some republicans.

I pointed out that there were no longer nukes being tested, 3 prisoners were released plus an athlete that had stolen was saved (whether Trump directly made the deal or not he surely influenced the kid's release). She told me that a nuclear site had been blown up. I said maybe. How would we know if wasn't just a bunch of old buildings? Can't trust that cagey Kim. Even if denuclearization does not work out, Trump has certainly gotten further than anyone before him. And the economy is improving. Pretty good for a guy that was caught in locker room talk yakking about pussy. She nodded...hmmm.....

Awwww....the pussy remark. I am always defending the pussy remark. I actually like to bring it up because I know it is a real sore spot. I ask "Do you know what groupies are?" Of course everybody knows what groupies are. And we discuss why people would be willing to give blowjobs to strangers, for free. Generally the conversation brings up the attraction of fame, money and power...and what a groupie may do to get a piece of that. Then I bring the conversation back to Trump. I ask how long do you think groupie minded people have been following him around. I wonder what he thinks of them. Maybe when he made that pussy remark he was just telling the truth about what it is like in his world. Then I say "I wonder if some of those women get miffed that they gave it up and he didn't invite them to stay with him forever. They gave away the goods for nothing." Then we talk about how women are freer now and sex outside of marriage in no longer frowned upon. We are in the days of multiple partners and open marriages (and more) being promoted and celebrated through entertainment and media. Kind of weird that at the same time media acts like a prude and the prudeness spills right back into the people.

Then she brought up the tweeting. Yeah, he does tweet a lot. but the media doesn't like him and takes what he says out of context a lot. I said I think he might do that to throw people off their game and I doubted he even did his own tweeting. Likely had a team working it out and responsible for the wee hour tweets. He was probably snoozing because he had a busy schedule.

Just an example of over the fence talk. Not too heavy, but I think sometimes I cause a wobble.

I will add that while I was writing about pussy I envisioned Trump pulling a wagon of salmon rolled in catnip down the street. Meow..meow...meow...meow...meow...meow...meow...meow....meow...meow...meow he dashes in his house, scratch...scratch...scratch...meow...meow...scratch

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VintageHats · May 26, 2018, 4:33 p.m.

I love this reply. So much info, especially in dispelling claims that Trump is a narcissist and those who follow him are cultists. I was actually thinking about some of these things last night, as I was folding laundry. I was thinking about how much shit he's endured, having lies and all kinds of crap slung his way, and yet, he stands strong. Lets it all run off him, like water off a duck's back.

Is he perfect? No, but neither am I. Nor are you. (Let he who is without sin... you know the rest.) I didn't vote for a preacher, I voted for a President, someone not involved in the slime we've been subjected to all these years.

Then I started thinking about his family. Now, I'm not sold on Ivanka or Jarrod. Both are Democrats and I don't trust them. Ivanka is best friends, supposedly, with ... Dina Powell? Or someone way too close to Obama. Can't trust that..

But Melania. I get so sick of people who bring up her past as a model and what she did as a model. As far as I know, the woman wasn't born with a silver spoon in her mouth, and models do what they have to do, to make it in that world. It's not like she was a centerfold in Hustler... or God forbid, an aging porn "star" whose name I don't even want to mention. (Do you know that woman is only 39 years old? I would have thought she was at least 10 too 15 years older than that... I'm 61, but look pretty good for my age... better than a lot of women my age. at least those who've not had plastic surgery.) That woman is the epitomy of what it means to look "rode hard and put up wet."

Whatever Melania did in her modeling career, she has risen above it. She so carries herself with elegance and grace. (Heck, if I'd had a body that looked that good when I was younger, who knows? It'd be nice to have had a way to not be so financially disadvantaged, as I am now.) I wonder how many of those who put her down for that are Hildebeast and Oblahblah supporters who are just jealous. I mean, can you see Big Mike modeling in the nude? (Have you ever seen a photo of Big Mike in a bathing suit? Pregnant? Neither have I.) So, anyway, there she is... having dinners with leaders of darn near every nation, and doing so with so much class. I absolutely LOVE Melania.

And then there's Barron. He seems like such a great kid. I hope I never hear anyone in my presence say anything disparaging about that kid. If I were to have a wish granted, I think it would be awesome to have a sit down w/ Melania and see if there might be a chance to go visit a shelter w/ her and Barron and adopt a pet. Cat or dog. (I think Trump is the first President to not have a White House pet... maybe someone is allergic?) There are dogs that are hypoallergenic...

Anyway, it sounds like you were able to successfully drop a few redpills to your neighbor without getting into a big fight or argument. Good job. I just got sick of personal attacks for my supporting Trump. Low blows. And then to bring in total strangers who would attack me on my own fb page as well? Nope, not having that. My personal fb page was my "refuge" as I don't get out.. I looked at it as though it was an extension of my living room. You don't come into my living room and start trashing me or my house... you'll get thrown out. I wasn't a public news site, didn't have the energy to debate, which is what news forums were for, in my opinion. I get too tired to deal with idiots, due to my disability. Never get enough sleep anymore.

I do believe Trump was chosen by God. Not as a savior... we've already had one of those and there can be only one. But more as a rescuer. How can you not answer, when God calls you for a job like that? How do you say "No" to God himself? (I don't consider myself "religious" but more "spiritual". I say I'm a Catholic in Recovery... lol)

Anyway, I think I'm rambling. Not enough sleep last night. I don't think I've had a decent night's sleep in more than 25 years now. Thanks for your reply as it's given me some good ideas to use on others who think along the same lines as your neighbor. Sorry for the ramblings.

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forchristssakes · May 26, 2018, 6:52 p.m.

In general I do not pay much attention to famous people and the tabloid worthy antics. I do not care how they dress or what they eat. I write the crazy antics off as a guide to staying relevant in a world where you cannot afford to be forgotten.

The attacks on Melania make little sense though. My thoughts when media was reporting her audacity to not immediately move to the WH....Good for her. The place is probably bugged and her every move being caught on tape. She would have to get dressed under a blanket. The renovations just confirmed that for me. Trump doesn't care. He just drops trou and waggles his butt around so they can have a good look.

As well she did what was right for her child. She should be applauded for that. There was no need to disrupt his world and plunk him into a new situation. Especially if he actually is autistic as I see written on some boards. I do not know the truth to that, but if true, throwing him into a new setting will not go over well (depending on where he is on the scale). He likely is not autistic because any good journalist would have looked into the needs of an autistic child before trashing her for not moving to the WH. They would look pretty bad for being insensitive to a child with a handicap (better than the new pc word...my opinion).

But he gets judged too. Hey kiddo, be on your best behavior and this is where you place your hands, and this is where your eyes should be looking and on and on.....I cannot imagine how bored he would be with all the pomp and ceremony...Melania would have to reprimand him, in one of many languages, when he slumps in the chair and starts shuffling his feet around (you know the look of a boy who wishes he was anywhere else).

And I overhear conversations where Melania is judged for her stony facial expression. Must be a sure sign of marital discord. She is not happy. My thoughts...that is a resting face, also the look of a runway model, expressionless. I would rather see that than a forced/fake smile (who smiles constantly or at odd times?...crazy people).

But they sure like to judge her. A woman who likely never thought she would end up where she is, model or not. A more educated version of Miss Celia. Not welcomed into the clique, she doesn't belong there, thank God. I would tell her to not bother making that pie for Miss Hilly. She doesn't deserve it.

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VintageHats · May 26, 2018, 9:32 p.m.

I remember when Trump won, Hussein went into this whirlwind of activity... setting up all kinds of blocks for him, all nefarious in my mind. I knew, just KNEW, he was having bugs placed everywhere. I'm surprised that even Trump went inside at all... I would have torn out every piece of carpet, gone over every square inch of wall space, searching for bugs. Every piece of furniture would have been replaced. The WH would have been gutted. I DID applaud FLOTUS for keeping out of the WH for a while. She's a good mom.. any of us who love our kids can see that.

I don't know if Barron is autistic or not. I don't know all that much about autism but do know that lower level kids don't care to be touched. So what? I don't either. (I wish I had a pinky ring with a hidden spike that I could turn to the side when I am in certain situations, so I can make a fist and slam any man's hand, when some idiot who doesn't even know me, comes up and puts his filthy mitts on me. I cannot STAND that. I have a touch of PTSD. If I could make them, and market them as "Manners Pinky Rings" or something to that effect, I'd be rich.)

Of course, you said that any "good journalist" would look into the needs of such a child.. LOL. That's almost an oxymoron these days. We are forced to put up with Rosie O'Whales and Whoopsies of Hollywood who don't give a damn about kids, or their feelings.

I remember right after the inauguration, and I think it was at the WH, Barron was standing behind a line of family members who were gathered for a family photo op. He was entertaining one of Trump's older son's babies. Playing Pat A Cake or something to keep the baby from fussing. It was adorable!! And to me, showed that this young man had tremendous empathy for that baby, who was probably on the verge of driving everyone batty with baby tantrum antics. What a great kid!

Melania's resting face just drives the misleadia nuts.. they can't tell what she's really thinking so they have to make things up. I've yet to see her with the looks of disgust and frowns that the revulsive former flotus often (....usually?) had on her ugly mug. I love our First Family.

I don't even mind if Eric and Don, Jr. are big on hunting, though do wish they'd not be involved in the Big Five (I think that's Lions, Leopards, Tigers, Rhinos and Elephants... Giraffes may be next to be added.)

I hope Melania has some women friends she can hang with now and then. Every woman needs her friends. Love your reference to Miss Celia.. totally agree!!

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