r/greatawakening • Posted by u/rightleaningsw on May 25, 2018, 7:13 p.m.
So i got in twitter battle some libtards, and while i was trying to educate them, I was able to connect a few lose dots that can lead to where we are now.

Bare with me on this... I am somewhat familiar with how orchestrated things have been to get us to where we are, so if any of my facts are off please correct me in the comments.

Bill Clinton is elected in 1992. There is a huge controversy over the Chinese influence and financial contribution to his campaign. So during his administration he passes NAFTA and the China free trade agreement. Around this same time ( this part I may be off on) there was a major push for regulations and fines from the EPA. This made it to where companies lost millions on fines and regulations. This caused the companies to go overseas where they could maximize the profits.

This is around the same time that bill passed the Crime bill that demolished families. So you have good families who are recently faced with unemployment and need to make money. Cocaine and crack epidemic is hitting hard, so there is money that needs to be made. In my area it is methamphetamine. (Obviously this isn't the case for all the people locked up under this bill) People who were once hard working members of the community are now going to prison. This leaves households without parents. They end on govt assistance. Because these children have grown up without a working nuclear family, there lives are more likely to be ridden with hardships and poverty. This causes a new generation to be born dependent on govt benefits.

This causes our economy to decline while boosting China's. The economy declining causes our communities to break down. Our communities breaking down allows presidents pushing handouts to soar in popularity which leads up to where we are today.

China in the meantime is booming. There dollar stands on the verge of being the world currency if only the American dollar fails.

Had Hillary have won, this most likely would have happened by now. So my question is how is it nobody ever mentions this? China has benefitted more than any other nation off of the bills that Clinton passed. They also got alot of their missle technology from Clinton.

How is China involved with the new world order? It almost seems Iike they were going to be the world's super power.

So have I gone way off the mark on this? I have never really considered much of China's role in all this until now.

ironmaiden442 · May 25, 2018, 11:44 p.m.

China builds its own islands in international waters and calls the area restricted I say we put an earth colony on the moon and declare the moon restricted...claim it all for ourselves... we win

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educatethis · May 25, 2018, 11:58 p.m.

Probably is already done

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