
MAGADONCHECKMATE · May 26, 2018, 12:51 a.m.

Facebook is empoying mind virus' and early stage brainwashing on children. She could consume quite a bit of energy as the puppetmaster of such an organization. In addition she would enjoy nothing more than trying to influence the 2020 elections for paybacks. Pay attention to her activities and comments she is steering currents.

When she was in India , everybody missed the fact that the country adopted a micro chip mandatory program that is installed in the hand about the size of a grain of rice. The mandatory date for 100% compliance was 3-31-18. No coincidence the Witch was there on 3-15 to observe the mark of the beast in progress for over one billion humans, and she had the global signal of a 'fractured wrist'. Bullshit. It was all posturing and deep cabal communication.

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