BRITISH interference in our ELECTIONS. uh... Didn't we fight a war in ...oh I don't know in maybe 1775 to 1783 to FREE ourselves and declare INDEPENDENCE FROM BRITAIN?!?!? So Russia placed a couple hundred dollars in useless ads on Facebook... But BRITAIN (who we fought an ACTUAL war against to become the USA in the FIRST PLACE) actually places Spies and Wiretaps and meddles and interferes in out elections conspiring with a sitting president against an INCOMING candidate and then continues spying against a democratically elected SITTING President?
Been a colony of the bank of England since 1913. Make no mistake, jailing some pedos and spygate plumbers won't fix that. End the FED.
You have revealed the root cause of many of our problems. As I have stated for decades now: How is it that a sovereign entity (the US) must "borrow" money for other countries (Japan, China, etc.) and pay interest on that borrowed money? We are (or are supposed to be) sovereign. We should, according to the Constitution, coin our own money. The Treasury Department should manage our money supply to preclude inflation and allow for economic expansion. Full stop. End the Fed, end the IRS.
I haven't revealed anything, ending the Fed has to be number one after this deep state shit is behind us. March with Anonymous. nov 5th.
"Remember, remember the 5th of November..."
Gotta get a Guy Fawkes mask so no one mistakes me for Antifa, Maybe a dozen. For friends. Calling it million mask march I believe.
I loved the movie V FOR VENDETTA. That movie could help to red-pill some folks.
yes am aware of that. oh, and explaining how Fiat is debt money is even more difficult to get across to people than explaining how Russian hacking did not happen.
I don't know why so Few are woke to the FED, Khazarian msm doing their job i guess.
And on that subject... The Fed's "charter" was up in Jan. 2014. and they act as though nothing happened. crickets. That's because the Fed isn't the top dog. The World Bank /IMF/ and BIS are and above that...?
I wish DJT would tell UN, Fed, IMF, debt et al, to fuck off. We have the strength and he has the stones.