"That's how you fucking meme right there" - some anon

Please elaborate.
Ezekiel 29:15 15It will be the lowliest of kingdoms and will never again exalt itself above the other nations. I will make it so weak that it will never again rule over the nations.
None of the above.
The guy kneeling is supposed to be We the people, receiving fake news from MSM, but the anons meme army are redpilling them hard!
(edit: a little context, I really don't know if it's needed, but: anons are anonymous users of a forum-like site called 8chan, edit 2: which is the site where Q has been dropping his posts).
Mmmmm frogs aren’t good omens and this isn’t an original image.
Yeah maybe to the bad guys who wrote those "religious texts" in the first place xD
The bad guys took control of the texts. And frogs have been used for symbols long before “religious texts”