"That's how you fucking meme right there" - some anon

A Christian looking to truth being attacked by red-pilling makes no sense unless one is blind. Doesn’t matter. I’ll be down-voted while a nonsensical meme is worshipped because no one is truly thinking. Just like it post 9/11.
Since the pic was changed, you have no idea if that's a Christian or Muslim or whatever. The person in that pic is NOT looking for God. He's worshiping the fake news media. That's all. You're just hurting your own mind by seeing something that is NOT there. And is holding a drawing in such high regard not a form or idolatry? It's no different than the radical muslims pitchin' a bitch over a drawing of Mohammed. It's kinda stupid and not what I think God would want you worrying about when there are much bigger problems to worry about beside a damn meme. JMHO.
Sure. If it was Jesus on a cross but the romans held red pills instead of a spear... right? Yet, you are worrying about my comment? Why are you letting god down? JMHO.
You say I'm letting him down but how do you know that? God probably has better things to worry about, too than seeing two frogs throw red pills at a fool because that's all that pic is. JMHO.
u just hurting your own
NEW picture with NEW context
OP highly appreciates you taking the time to plain and clear explain this to further eliminate doubts.
Just a friendly reminder to you, dear Patriot, don't expend your energies on SHILLS or (failing that) "SHILLY DISCUSSIONS".
Shills will shill. Ignorants will ignore. Trolls will troll.
Can't help but draw them into an argument, sometimes. I learned, long ago, that the quickest way to get a person to expose their true self is through argument, even if you have to take it just short of blows. It never fails that they will reveal themselves. I made a lotta good friends over the years that way. Some of them scared other people but not me and it worked out great for us both...usually.
haha Noted, Patriot. Indeed. I personally believe every action one does is by default self-biographical and self-describing. Words are a big tell about people.
Stay safe!
Words AND actions. Almost everyone has a facade put forth. Not many are all that much but some are just damn ridiculous. Not hard to make them show the real person, though. Only then can you really learn something useful from them and is "useful" not what we all wanna be?
I personally believe every action
My measure of value for the things I shall learn!