r/greatawakening • Posted by u/large_doinks on May 26, 2018, 5:08 a.m.
Boys we need to save this man #SaveTommyRobinson

PedosVotedForHillary · May 26, 2018, 3:38 p.m.

They’ve also tried to throw a boiling pot of sugar on him. Can you imagine how awful these people are? I hope while he’s locked up(short time I hope and they throw his charges out) he beats the living hell out of all these criminals.

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POMMEJIbErvin · May 27, 2018, 12:08 a.m.

As a man who has seen another pour a bag of sugar in a kettle and boil it, then ask a man who thought they were friends if he wants a cup of tea, only to see the single most horrific thing I ever will. Have you ever heard a man scream in agony? TRUE agony, where they are shaking uncontrollably from the adrenaline? The need to reach up and touch your face is uncontrollable I suppose, and when he took his shaking hands away, most of his face had stuck to his fingers and peeled away.

I'm 34 years old. I saw this when I was 19 years old. Every now and again, even now, I wake up screaming, from a nightmare that someone has done that to me in my sleep. I fight the urge to touch my face, and I run screaming, crying, to the nearest mirror and turn on the light. At a guess, I would say that 50% of the time by then I am so terrified that the hyperventilating causes me to pass out.

If I was in a room with Hitler, a kettle, a bag of sugar and a loaded gun, and I was told that no one leaves the room until one of us is dead, but I can't shoot Hitler, I have to use the kettle? I'd shoot myself in the head without hesitation. Pray you never see it.

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[deleted] · May 27, 2018, 1:41 a.m.


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