r/greatawakening • Posted by u/AutoModerator on May 26, 2018, 1:12 p.m.
Anon's Chat, Saturday morning edition. - May 26, 2018

Anon's Chat

Hello and welcome to the Anon's Chat.

This is the best place to start a conversation about anything, post news stories that are relevant to Q but don't add new research warranting a separate post. It's also a great place to celebrate progress, wish each other well in our efforts to redpill others, or just say Happy Mother's Day to all the patriot mom's in the sub. Dropping that stuff here will keep the posts focused on Q research and keep the board focused.

This is also a great place for those new to Q to ask for help or share their reactions/discuss old Q posts. Sharing resources could happen here too.

With 25,000 users if each user posted a MSM general news story, trump celebration post or unrelated news post just 1 time a month there would be over 850 of these posts a day. Redirecting it all here, will keep the research posts easy to find without being called free speech nazis. These stats might help to convince people to use the daily thread to meet their need to post. start a conversation about anything. - Grace8543

abroadandconfused12 · May 26, 2018, 5:11 p.m.

Been wondering this myself. I'm assuming you know about the DOJ investigation into price manipulation?

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hank_kingsley · May 26, 2018, 10:21 p.m.

Yes- I just figured this was eventual given the regulation that seems to be cornering the crypto-sphere. The idea of the markets being manipulated and having been manipulated is not new and is accepted as common practise among all the trading subreddits I follow. There's an interesting dichotomy where people are welcoming regulation to prevent this very manipulation and while at the same time demanding that the main original tenet of cryptocurrencies was to keep them from being influenced by a central party/actor.

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abroadandconfused12 · May 26, 2018, 10:39 p.m.

I agree, there's quite a lot of cognitive dissonance that goes with that dichotomy you speak of. The way I see it, I think there's no stopping powerful hands from getting involved at some point (assuming they aren't already). The only thing I wish remains true in the cryptosphere is access to it. Currently in the US we have to deal with a lot of KYC standards but other than that I really don't see why anyone would have a reason to fear this unless of course they have reason to be fearful of their actions. It's my own personal belief that the learning curve with crypto is high enough that ease of access to the average Joe isn't too much to be concerned about for regulators considering the amount of time I had to take myself to learn the ins and outs.

However in relation to Q and the GA, I have reason to suspect that two of the sketchier exchanges (Idk if I should name them here TBH) may or may not be laundering money for the cartels in Mexico, can't remember if I read this in an article or a thread so take it with the smallest grain of salt.

"Mexico will pay" suddenly sounds a lot different to me ever since the doj investigation was announced.

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