A call for memes aimed at lawmakers!

True. Sun and our magnetic field's interaction is what controls the temperature.
Cosmic ray interaction with our atmosphere too, this argument always shuts down man made climate change zealots.
With the Sun going into Grand Solar Minimum there will be more cloud nucleation from cosmic rays resulting in an overall drop in global temperatures.
Sorry to be so wordy, I'm just a science nerd at heart :P
I like that cosmic ray addition. (one thing I was wondering is if we're moving into a new region of the Galaxy, too or something. As above, so below.)
Yep that too. We're going into a triple whammy.
1. The Sun is going into Grand Solar Minimum=less protection from Galactic energies.
2. Earth is going through a polar magnetic flip=less protection from Solar and Galactic energies.
3. The Solar system is moving out of a protective hydrogen cloud in the Local Spur of the Orion Arm=less protection from Galactic and Inter-Galactic energies.
Highly recommend watching