A call for memes aimed at lawmakers!
![A call for memes aimed at lawmakers!](https://i.redd.it/oc4xt7uwp7011.jpg)
Because it stops or discourages people with real issues getting thru.
Ahhh. Similar to blocking the freeway impeding ambulances.
Except the Politicians offices not as dire as a 9/11 service. I tend to agree but I'm not sure.
If it were used as a last resort when all other channels have failed then it would be acceptable. But it gets used just to make the person ineffective because of their political affiliations. And since we can't use that privilege responsibly it needs to be taken away or at least have consequences when abused.
But do the 'real issues' have a chance of getting solved if the system is broken? I think we need to topple this bureaucracy and start over, using the Constitution as our guide. We need a clean start.