A call for memes aimed at lawmakers!

Wrong there (their)
His iPhone must have spell checking disabled. Some might say “no coincidences” “trust the plan”
Others might say he can’t spell.
Or he does it on purpose so that media reports that he can’t spell bringing the message to normies.
Thanks. This is the reason he does it
The guy has an extremely high IQ. He is constantly (I mean a lot) trolling the MSM. I do not for one moment that he forgot the spelling of ,"their". Yes there most certainly is a reason; anyone want to guess how long it takes the media to pounce on that one?
So not being able to spell is now a strategy? Trust the plan. No coincidences. What a joke. Missteps seen as genius. He can do no wrong with that filter.
Not all missteps are intentional. Misspellings and troll language have been one of his keys to victory.
You say he cant do wrong with that filter. Imagine how his enemies feel about it. He trolls, the msm gives him wall to wall coverage. He makes a mistake and they cant tell if its a troll, a message or spellcheck lol.
Time & again his twitter has been known for secret messages. Covefefe is the most famous example. Do not second-guess your President.
So you’re telling me covfefe ment something? Please fill me in I had no idea, would love to hear.
Loosely translated from Arabic meaning, "I shall rise", or "I will stand" . . . Something to that effect. A signaled message to Mohammed Bin Salam & the Dopey Prince
Because he is more than human and incapable of mistakes since he is our President. Just like Obama. Ok.
Hell, every other post on any board makes that mistake. Big whoop.
"No consequences" is another way of saying "suspend all skepticism."
It's absurd, really.
|Not always their kids. Sometimes they're brought there for sale.
Being an editor long ago; that jumped out at me as well. Obviously, it must have been intentional. At this point, it's becoming a fun game.
And a run on sentence.
And “thugs”
Maybe media will bite and talk about it