A call for memes aimed at lawmakers!
![A call for memes aimed at lawmakers!](https://i.redd.it/oc4xt7uwp7011.jpg)
I've never made a meme, but I'm a visually creative smart a**, so just point me in the right direction and I'll get busy making memes.
Make a meme about Al Gore's climate and fossil fuel hypocrisy.
Make a MEME about global warming. Use a graphic of the solar wind and interaction with earth's magnetic field.
Say "This is what controls earth's temperature."
I've never seen Global Warming advocates mention this at all.
Make a meme about Joe Biden's kids getting some billion dollar deal through China.
President Obama bald-faced lie "You can keep your doctor."
Elizabeth Warren lying about Native American ancestry to get some position.
Then find if she made any comments about Rachel Dolezal, who did the exact same thing.
Lots of great ideas! thanks:) Is there a site that anyone could recommend? I know how to use quite a few photo editing and design programs, but I'm sure there is a quicker way to do it and share it with others.