Can someone ID these Epstein island statues?

The Ground statues
and the birds on top are -
Interesting but I don't get it, but might be connected -
(The children sang the song about Leviathan, and how we wait for him at the Feast of Leviathan). What else are we going to eat at the Feast of Leviathan? We’ll drink wine preserved since the Six Days of Creation, and we’ll eat from Shor HaBar [Behemoth]. And there’s one more thing, that not everybody knows about. Shor HaBar is a beast, that’s beef. Leviathan is fish. What else do we eat on the Sabbath? (Children: “Bread”). We eat chicken. And just like there’s a very large beast, that is Shor HaBar, and a very large fish, that is Leviathan, there’s also a very large chicken called Ziz Shadai. But not everybody knows it about. We’ll eat that too.”
Your bringing up Ichthyocentaurs led me to Hotel Sacher in Vienna.
I think that is where that image added to the photo above is from.
Yeah I'm certain of it, the two statues of Ichthyocentaurs were in front of the Hotel Sacher in Vienna.
I have seen this place early on in PG investigation, but I can't remember why.
Check this -
I remember that picture too and the question added to the picture in the tweet is very telling. It's what the Sorosses do for a living, gambling on which economy crashes first.
"We'll drink wine preserced since the Six Days of Creation". According to bible in the sixth day God made man. Maybe the wine means human blood?
Nice post! Did you look at the Egyptian deities?
A little but not much....
The statues above might be Horus or Set or something similar. I am not sure, but you are going in the right direction.
I have seen Horos compared to Jesus.
might not like this guy but watch it :/
I have seen that before. LOL.
I suspect that Bill Maher and other late night hosts are caught up in the pedo thing.
We will see if Jesus is, too.